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  1. #1
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    Major problem / Symptomatic Areas

    Thigh, Hamstrings - Posterior - Right

    Hamstring strain or Hamstring Tendinopathy?

    Hi all,
    I need some advise on a hamstring injury I have had for 3 months now and was diagnosed as hamstring Tendinopathy from a physio.
    My story is outlined below.
    I completed my first marathon on April the 11th where I was doing up to around 80km per week for training.
    After the marathon I took 2 weeks off to recover and then started doing some light runs again. The majority of my training had been low heart rate training.
    I continued to do a couple of runs a week but decided to try a park run on the 1st of may. I ran at pretty much max effort and absolutely loved it so decided I’d do these every Saturday as a sort of speed session through winter. The following week (my second park run) I pulled up a little sore in my right hamstring but didn’t think too much of it and continued with some low HR runs during the week.
    I skipped the next park run and did another on the 22nd of may then the 29th of may and 5th of June.
    I then decided to have a week or 2 off from running to see if I could shake this injury but it wasn’t to be.
    I went and saw a physio on the 7th of July and was told I had Hamstring Tendinopathy (I had not heard of this before) and was given a couple of exercises to work with which I’ve been doing ever since but unfortunately I still carrying this annoying injury.
    The exercises I’m doing are below.
    1. Lay on tummy and lift foot to a 90° angle with resistance band load.
    2. lay on back and push pelvis up raising butt off ground and holding.
    3. Hip flexor stretches. I have been doing these for a while as I’ve also at had very right hip flexors and I’m pretty sure I also have anterior pelvic tilt.
    4.I’ve also been using a hard ball to roll on.

    The pain I have is probably a 3-4 out of 10 and has never been bad enough to stop me running but out of fear of further injury I’ve stopped.
    When I do run I notice it mainly on hills.
    we have stairs at home and they are no issue at all.
    I’ve also been doing a little bike riding as this doesn’t seem to cause any real pain at all.
    The pain is right in the middle of my right hamstring and I have no pain at all near the top butt area which is why I’m wondering if it might be something other than Hamstring Tendinopathy.

    Any advise would be greatly appreciated to shake this annoying injury.

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    Re: Hamstring strain or Hamstring Tendinopathy?

    You can go for Ultrasound physiotherapy, It will give you proper pain relief. This therapy helps to reduce pain. While healing your body’s deep tissue, stress and muscle tightness and backpain can connect back to the root cause of your pain. Ultrasound therapy effects help to soften tissue cell metabolism. It helps to increase blood flow, it makes the cells more receptive to healing fluids. Ultrasound US111 is the modern device which help to release ‘Endorphins’ which is natural healing chemical released by body to heal pain. US111 therapy uses the natural approach without any side effects. For better results and improvement you should try out and to know morehttps://ultracarepro.in/product/us-1...le-ultrasound/

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