I am a third year Physiotherapy student from Australia and I was hoping to get a little bit of help with self-diagnosis. I suspect a Peroneal tendinopathy, but would appreciate some feedback as to whether the symptoms fit. I'll give you my history.
I am a 20year old athlete getting back into running after 2 years off (I have maintained some light-level running every 2 days or so for those 2 years), and have only started getting serious about it over the last 4 weeks. I had previously competed at National junior level in cross-country.
Before becomming injured, I was getting back to 30mins every day (steady pace) outdoors and on a mix of fine gravel/asphalt/dirt terrain. Four days ago I was in the middle of a run when I felt some discomfort on the lateral border of my right foot, it was not particularly painful, but was bothering me enough to get me to turn back home. It slowly got more painful as I was running, and by the time I got back home I was limping quite badly. I got home and put ice on it for 20mins but it didn't seem to improve it much, I was limping slightly for the rest of that day and the next. I have not tried running again as I can still feel its not quite right when walking.
Other information:
- I had corrective surgery on a hallux valgus deformation (and associated problems) of my R hallux Dec 2004.
- I have not changed equipment (same shoes from 6 months ago - they have limited wear)
- I have progressed my training slowly (no more than a 10% increase per week)
- I have had no recent acute ankle pathology
- Palpable tenderness posterior to the styloid process of the 5th met on the R foot
- No other tender spots found.
- Discomfort (not pain) on active eversion around that same area.
- During gait, I find that it is more painful during midstance to push off.
- Aggs: Activity
- Eases: Stopping activity/time.
I'd appreciate if anyone could give me some feedback as to whether a peroneal pathology is likely, or if not, what it could be. If you need any more info, let me know.
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