Hello all,
Has anyone had any experience on Active Release Technique, a chiropractic technique. Any place where we can buy any online/home learning resources?
Thanks in advance.
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Hello all,
Has anyone had any experience on Active Release Technique, a chiropractic technique. Any place where we can buy any online/home learning resources?
Thanks in advance.
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Is it MUSCLE ENERGY TECHINQUE what you are speaking about
Yep yet another therapy that is basically the same as the others but gets new life under a new name. No disrespect of course as I am sure that there are numerous differences?! As for Muscle Energy Technique - well that is really Nordic Therapy isn't it?
For reference this is the website to start with: Active Release Techniques®
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ART is simply myofascial release with movement. movement is either passive or active all you need to perform this technique is you MMT knowledge and good palpation skills. for example to release TP's in the rhomboid muscle lye the patient in side lye with affected side up on the edge of the plinth. palpate the rhomboid fibres in a longitudinal direction until you feel the adhesion or TP ask the patient to horizontally abduct to maximise rhomboid contraction then adduct. movement should stop at the point where tension on the adhesion or TP is about to slip away from the fingers. repeat and you will notice more movement before the adhesion of TP slips away. Note: TP's tend to release more at the end range of stretch than at the begginning. repeat until TP's release. with this technique please do not press to hard allow the tissue to tell you when to push firmer if you push to hard the tissue will spasm and the technique will not release the adhesion. sometimes a softer apprach to coax the tissue to change is the best.