I have a young sportsman who has ruptured his ACL and is hoping to have a reconstruction in the next 3 – 6 months.

He is normally very active, (Rugby, Squash, Multi Event Races etc etc,,, and is also an ex Royal Marine),,, so asking him to limit and or cut out his normal training program for the next 6 months pre op (with another 6-12 months post op) could prove tuff going both mentally and physically for him.

Current symptoms are: intermittent pain on walking/running (especially downhill’s).

My question:

1. Can anyone offer any advice and or pre-habilitation exercises (along with any other advice or suggestions) in order to strengthen and or support this injury until he has his op?

2. Whilst I appreciate that most surgeons have their own preference for either performing a Patella Tendon rather than a Hamstring graft (or vice versa),,, based on this gentleman’s history, and outlook to return to his physical pursuits ASAP post operatively, can anyone recommend which procedure would best suit his needs?

3. What sort of post op training he will need to perform in order to return to function ASAP post operatively?

4. Finally, due to his desire and dedication to commit to both his prehab and rehab, can anyone offer a realistic timeframe for his return to function post op?

Many thanks in advance

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