I’m a competitive recreational cyclist (although not a racer) and in Aug 06 as a result of several bike position modifications and possible fatigue and/or overtraining I suffered what I considered a hip injury on a ride that wasn’t diagnosed until Dec 07. The injury manifested itself as loss of power in my legs and pain in the general whole hip region (lining of my hips and in my iliac crests on both sides). One of the many doctors I have seen diagnosed me with a partial tear of my left glute medius and right biceps femoris both at their origins and tendinopathy of the right glute minimus; however, theMRI report (attached) indicates there may not be tears but rather varying levels of tendinopathy. To make a long story short I now have many other issues (muscle imbalances, low back pain, groin or psoas issues, you name it) that I just can’t seem to shake in spite of staying off of my bike for periods of time, seeing 2 physical therapists, several massage therapists, orthopedic doc, pain management docs, multiple recommendations from friends with similar issues and searching the internet relentlessly.
Here are some of the issues I’m dealing with.
When I ride my bike the main problem is a burning sensation in my butt and no power output what-so-ever. Most of the time the pain is on both sides but occasionally it resides on one side only (right or left). It usually occurs at around 5-7 miles into the ride but occasionally is there at the start. This is riding at very slow speeds (10-15 mph). If I ride faster the pain intensifies. If I stand up and peddle or stop the pain goes away. The discomfort however never goes away unless I am laying down or standing up straight.
I have no leg pain other than a left side groin issue. I feel as though something is not quite right in my left hip and often times when a practitioner has put pressure on my left SI joint I feel as though something needs to be popped back into place but everyone insists that there is nothing wrong mechanically. The initial cycling injury occurred on my right side and for some time only affected my right side but as time went by the pain and discomfort moved across my entire body.
I have pain in my back at L2-L3 due to a degenerated disk (I believe) and pain around L4-L5facet joints which the MD says is due to osteoarthritic joints. If I lean to the left I feel like something is pinching at the top of my left hip (or back?). If I lean to the right the stretch I feel on the left is quite intense. When I’m sleeping at night and turn over to the right (only) I’m awoken by the pain in my back particularly when I lift my torso to turn. I have never in my entire life had back pain until this injury occurred. I had a radiofrequency procedure done January 08 as a result of a facet injection that seemed to have eliminated the pain for the 4 hours until the lydicane(sp?) wore off. I believe it helped slightly. I’ve also had 2 epidurals which helped enough to where I regained mobility and was able to start doing light weight training.
I’ve done every kind of stretching, strengthening, exercise, that anyone has ever suggested to no avail. I don’t know if I’m doing too much, not enough, the right stuff, the wrong stuff or if I should just give up and be a couch potato for the rest of my life! I feel like I’ve aged 10 years in the last 2! Frankly I’m hating life right now.
Sorry for the long read. I felt it was important to document my story as best I can because no one person has been able to take the time to (or can’t) digest the full picture which has been a major source of frustration for me and the practitioners. Time is also against me since the initial injury occurred almost 2 years ago now.
Do you think you can help? I look forward to a reply!!!
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