Hello everyone. I am new to this site and was hoping to get some good information, any assistance would be grealy appreciated.
I am a 29 year old male and I ruptured my right knee about two weeks ago playing baseball. I got the results of myMRI yesterday and the prognosis is as follows.
1) Bone bruises of the interior areas on the Tibia and Femur.
2) 2nd degree tear of the Medial Collateral Ligament.
3) 2nd degree tear of the Lateral Collateral Ligament.
4) Tear of the Lateral Meniscis.
5) Tear of the MedialMeniscus.
6) Complete tear of the AnteriorCruciate Ligament.
I am obvisouly going to have to have knee reconstructive surgery and I wanted to see if anyone had any good advice regarding prehabilitation routines?
I would like to get in the best shape possible prior to surgery, which I will probably have in about a month and a half. There is still swelling in the knee and because of the MCL, and LCL tears, my lateral movements will obviously be restrained. Also, I am a big guy 6'3'' 260 lbs. As I said, any advice would be greatly aprreciated.
Tony D.
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