
I have gradually developed pain in my left knee over the course of a few years. The pain centres where the patellar tendon attaches to the tibia. There is now a lump there and is tender to touch.

I would usually notice this pain after playing football (soccer), but it has gradually got worse until it hurt during playing and now I can't play any more. I stopped playing for a few months to rest it and do some stretching and strengthening exercises, as recommended by my physio, and I tried to play football again, but the pain has returned with avengance - worse than ever! In fact my knee feels very unstable and I was worried I would cause more damage by trying to run on it as it was starting to give way. That was yesterday - still in a fair amount of pain today, hobbling about. When sitting, I can barely lift my foot off the floor by flexing my knee.

I have to admit I was not exactly dedicated to the regime prescribed to me by the physio due to pressures of time, new parenthood and bone-idleness, so I suspect what has happened is my leg muscles, particularly quads, are weaker than when I was playing and are exacerbating the problem. I am about 5'9'' and around 14 stones (196 punds) so a bit overweight, which I don't imagine helps either, but this knee problem has contributed to my lack of exercise and therefore weight gain...

I'm 36 years old and my physio believes I have an adult version of Osgood Schlatters, or at least something that mimicks it. I didn't have Osgood Schlatters as a teenager and the lump development has only appeared in the last year or two.

I am wondering if the diagnosis is accurate and what are my options.

The physio believes a steroid injection might help rehab, if only to settle the problem down enough to allow exercise to build up the muscles. I'm not sure if this is a good idea long term, although the problem is pretty chronic now and I wonder if it's likely to make it any worse. Is anything possible surgically?

I'm quite frustrated by this injury now and a bit depressed at the prospect of maybe not being able to play football or run again.

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