Hi Catarina. Just to let you know, I emailed the APC directly and asked about the assessment of equivalence of qualification for my UK degree and they told me it would NOT be granted for a UK degree. Perhaps you can email them and get a direct answer for your degree? I decided to take the Limited Reg in the public interest option, and have really struggled to find an employer willing to take me on, esp as the process takes 8-10 weeks after you have a job offer, so really hard tfor employers who have vacancies to fill quickly. But I just have found something now...so hoping the application goes smoothly. However, the APC have also told me that at some point soon they may get rid of this option for overseas PTs unless there is a natural disaster in Aus and they are really really desperate (!!!) - they really want to make it hard for us! So I think taking all the exams for the full reg might be the only option. However, if you can come here via New Zealand first, get NZ reg and work there for a short period, then you can transfer to Aus (apparently now it is not so easy to take this option without actually working in NZ as the APC are aware people are doing that to get to Aus, and just asking you to take the exams anyway...).
I know it is a very frustrating process, and I am coming to the conclusion that I will just have to take all the exams at some point if we stay in Aus for several years... However, on a happier note, I have been job-hunting and have noticed plenty of jobs near woolongong, for sports physios (which I am not!) so you should be able to find something...!
Good luck! Emma