Hi all,

I would like to introduce once again in this forum a study group, which helps overseas physiotherapists to settle in Australia as a physiotherapists: Australian Alliance of Physiotherapists Trained Abroad (AAPTA). Since this group exists (Sept 2006) exam pass rate has increased considerably and settling in the country has been less stressful thanks to the support of the members.

AAPTA is an independent online support group/network for foreign qualified physiotherapists who have plans for AECOP exams or currently undertaking the AECOP exam process. AAPTA is not in anyway associated with APC (Australian Physiotherapy Council).

AAPTA contains messages from members of their individual experiences regarding exam process, clinical placement, study options, immigration and employment opportunities. They are shared to assist others in the process.

Currently all the moderators are registered to work as Physiotherapists in Australia and have full time/part time jobs. Their contribution to AAPTA is purely on a voluntary basis based on good will and desire to share.

Mission of AAPTA is to innovatively support physiotherapists qualified from overseas irrespective of race/country of origin. Currently members are more than 200 from all over the world. AAPTA has given a chance for members to learn from each others’ mistakes.

AAPTA has opened a files section that has some resources for the exams shared by members. Also, creating a database of member information with their contact details has lead to better networking amongst members in smaller as well as larger scale. In addition to this, there’s ongoing email communication between members and based on feedback from members with an understanding of their needs, clinical discussion sessions have been commenced in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth.

We would like to invite you to join and contribute to this great group. If you are keen, please send your request to

[email protected]

we will respond you in a short time!

Emanuela Canini
Aapta moderator
Sports Physiotherapist
Perth - Western Australia

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