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  1. #1
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    Starting a Physiotherapy Clinic

    I am looking to start a new Physiotherapy clinic. I have about 6 years of experience in the private sector and have been responsible for the clinic during that time. I have also increased my hours and client base there through word of mouth mostly. I done some of my own personal marketing but the owner doesn't want to market his clinic. I also have great support: both with family and financially. The problem is that I am also planning to have a family (although it looks like that may not happen for sometime) and I would like to have about a year to have time with my baby while having someone at my clinic on a term possition during that time. I would be going to the clinic on a daily basis during that year to check up on things, answer questions, solve problems, etc, but not to treat clients. I have bought and read the Physiotherapy Success e-book and am planning to go to a Measurable Solutions course in the next few months. My question is this: approximately how long does it take to get a clinic to the point where you feel comfortable leaving it in someone elses hands?

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    Re: Starting a Physiotherapy Clinic

    Hi regular,

    Ah, this is a seemingly easy question but it is more complex than that. Many factors to consider.

    I had this idea of where i could start practices and leave them to others to run etc.

    This is theoretically possible and is actually done around the world successfully by other people.

    The problem is that is is not that easy to leave something in someone else's hands.

    It would be like leaving your baby with someone - whom do you trust?

    It depends on your tolerance, ability to manage but MOST importantly whom you hire.

    I had up to 4 locations going at one stage but i have scaled it back to 1. I had 2 locations for a long time which worked well but my brother was there and it ran just fine without me because i could trust him.

    Also, without being conceited, i provide physio that is a bit different so people tend to ask for me...and it helps that i have been here nearly 10 years...but that makes it hard to leave.

    If it were me, i would buy the existing practice but try not to be the main physio or the "star" if you like...try to find someone better than you and promote them as the "star".

    Good luck

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    Re: Starting a Physiotherapy Clinic

    Thank you for your input!
    I appreciate it!
    I agree with a lot of what you are saying.
    It makes a lot of sense.

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