I am looking to start a new Physiotherapy clinic. I have about 6 years of experience in the private sector and have been responsible for the clinic during that time. I have also increased my hours and client base there through word of mouth mostly. I done some of my own personal marketing but the owner doesn't want to market his clinic. I also have great support: both with family and financially. The problem is that I am also planning to have a family (although it looks like that may not happen for sometime) and I would like to have about a year to have time with my baby while having someone at my clinic on a term possition during that time. I would be going to the clinic on a daily basis during that year to check up on things, answer questions, solve problems, etc, but not to treat clients. I have bought and read the Physiotherapy Success e-book and am planning to go to a Measurable Solutions course in the next few months. My question is this: approximately how long does it take to get a clinic to the point where you feel comfortable leaving it in someone elses hands?
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