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I would like to add my experiences to the dozens of other complaints out there about Canada's physiotherapy national exam (the practical component), especially for foreign trained physios. It is fundamentally unfair on many levels:
1. All recent Canadian graduates are groomed for this exam. This makes it very hard for foreign-trained therapists to compete.
2. The pass rate for the June 2, 2001 exam was as follows: 88% of Canadian grads passed, 44% of foreign trained graduates passed!! (many of these 44% were writing for the 2nd or 3rd time)
3. You can receive grades far above the pass mark cut-off yet still fail the exam.
4. The PNE format does not allow credit for correct responses that are absent from their standardized answer checklist
5. The following is a quote from physiotherapy Canada 1993: "The OSCE is credible as a test of clinical competence but reliability is perhaps lower than would be optimal for a licensure examination. Combining an OSCE with a multiple choice exam may have desirable effects on student learning and have acceptable reliability levels."
6. How can the Alliance ensure standardization of performance of the actors, consistancy of examiners and consistancy of scoring in a country as large as Canada, where every actor, examiner, examiner trainer, marker and candidate has his/her own biases, knowledge base, and personal interpretation.
7.The basis for many of the questions reflect inappropriate or unacceptable clinical practice because they expect the candidate to perform evaluations or treatments completely out of context........
I have expanded these points in a 17 page document that I have sent to the College of Physical Therapists of BC and to the Office of the Ombudsman (check out their website for an online complaint form), however I can no longer offer it online. Here's to change!!!!! MN