Hello everyone..
I have one more query please help me out to find its solution..
As you know as school has to send form C ( Document Request form) for credential process ..
But i want to fill that form myself to provide as much as detail i can provide to our school . As i know my school is going to fill form in 2 or 3 llines. which i dont want.. so plz help me out.
Can u help me how i can support these questions?
qns 2 . was evidence practice included in curriculum.? tel me content areas covered in the course..
As it is not mention in my syllabus.. but whatever we studied is evidence based only..
so how can i convince them yes i have studied this in my course..
Qns 4, Was inter-professional practice and professional conduct or ethics.included in the curriculum..
these r course which is also not mention in my syllabus..
How can i prove it i have studied these things in my course.. as we usually learn these skills while studying..
Can a experience letter from school mention whatever we taught to student is evidence based is sufficient to fulfill this section?
Plz help me out as this is most common section where student are getting problems.. Help me out how can i convince them these areas i have covered during my study