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    Question Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    Hi there
    Has anyone passed the Canadian Physiotherapy competency exam recently?
    Can you please advice me on what material to use for preparation? There is a whole list of references on Alliance website but it looks to complicated. What book do you guys use in Canada to prepare?
    I am looking to immigrate to BC, and trying to find a job in Vancouver or near by? If there is anyone who can help please email me: [email protected]
    I am actually a Canadian citizen and work permit is not required. I have trained in Croatia and UK so I have to go through the whole process before I can move.
    The credentialling assessment is in the process.
    I would appreciate any advice



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    Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    I just got my results for the clinical (part 2) and passed at the second attempt. I am so happy!

    I have to say that when I took it first time in June I was really stressed with a whole lot of other stuff and didn't revise hardly at all! So I swotted hard for about 6-8 weeks this time and passed with a very good mark. It's not so hard, but it is very nerve-racking, and you have to have all the answers readily available. Just remember it is entry-level physio, and new grads (Canadian trained) are expected to pass it! Don't get too involved, stick to the basics!

    MSK is a big part of the exam, and the Canadians mostly use David Magee's "Orthopaedic physical assessment". I also found Wheelers Textbook of Orthopaedics (fully available free online!!) very useful.
    You need to revise all the anatomy especially of the upper and lower limb and a question is likely on the effect of a specific nerve damage. Learn all the main tests for various joints and nerve injuries. Revise protocols and precautions for knee and hip replacements. Back and neck assessment and differential diagnoses. TMJ disfunction might come up.

    Revise the usual orthopaedic/rheumatic conditions. Correct use of various walking aids. Sports injuries and stretching regimes may come up. They want you to say things like how many reps, how often etc, and make sure you ask the client if they have any questions and if they understand what you have told them. Stuff like that.

    Use of modalities, contra-indications. You may be asked to advise over a home wax programme or set up a treatment for IFT, US etc ....

    ALWAYS GET CONSENT. ALWAYS explain to the client who you are, why you're there (not because you are taking an exam! ) and what you are going to do. ALWAYS check brakes are on on beds and wheelchairs. Look around and if you see equipment eg transfer belt, in the room then you ARE expected to use it. If you are getting a client to transfer eg bed to chair, just do as you would in real-life .... make sure you don't pull any tubes/drains out!

    Neuro: Know the Signs and symptoms eg of Parkinsons, how to check for sensation, test various ascending tracts, muscle power, grades of spasticity, how to perform passive movements. Balance tests etc. Spinal cord injuries, levels and functional expectation/ability/problems. Know a little about the more obscure neuro things like ME, post-polio syndrome, MG, syringomyelia.

    Cardio-respiratory: I used Alexandra Hough's Book. Revise the common conditions and their management. Postural drainage positions. Lung field surface anatomy. Be prepared to demonstrate auscultation and percussion and manual chest PT techniques. Precautions and contraindications for treatment. Know the normal parameters for blood gases, acidosis and alkalosis. Know the normal heart and resp rates. Practise on a friend!

    Some of the marks are clearly on your handling and communication skills and you will usually have a "difficult" patient to deal with (eg dementing, brain-injured or non-compliant).

    Apart from the above books I looked for any revision and quizzes etc I could find online and spent hours reading from all sorts of sites.

    Try out the demonstration questions on the Alliance website (NB: some of them actually come up!)

    You can usually work under mentorship after you have passed the written component. Ask your mentor to help you and if there are any new grads nearby who are taking the exam too, try to get into a study group.

    Hope all the above helps a little. Everybody hates this exam. The Canadian grads think it is stupid and unnecessary waste of time and money, and are usually very sympathetic and willing to help others pass it!

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    Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

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    Talking Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    Thank you for this info.And congratulations on your success!!
    Can you please tell me about the theory part also? I have bought O'Sullivan National Physical Therapy Examination Study guide. Someone suggested that is a good book to prepare. I know it's for USA exam, but I'm hoping it's similar to Canadian. What books did you use to prepare for the theory exam?

    Thanks a lot for your help!

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    Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    I haven't seen the O'Sullivan study guide so can't comment on that. I did look at a rather old (1999) book called Preparing for the Physical Therapist Licensure Examination by Patricia Rae Evans, which was for the US exam, and it scared the pants off me, but some of that was the different terminology used etc... I get the impression that the US exam is harder than the Canada one??
    I did read through Electrotherapy Exlpained (Principles and practice) by Low and Reed. and a book on Neurological Physiotherapy which I have lent to a friend and now cannot remember what the title was! Another Canadian PT also gave me Frank Pierson's Principles and Techiques of Patient Care, which they use (fairly basic stuff) and also "Musculoskeletal Assessment" by Hazel M. Clarkson.

    Really I'd say just revise everything. I don't know how long you have been qualified or what your weak areas are, but just concentrate on areas where you maybe have not worked so much or so recently. Memorise things like normal ranges eg in respiratory, and lots of tests for everything msk.

    As I said before, the test is entry level, and your own training will have been deemed to be roughly equivalent, so you should not have a real problem. Look at the example questions, they may well arise in the real exam.

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    Thumbs up Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    Hi again

    I've noticed that you are from Calgary? Is that right? Are you working there or somewhere else? I had an interview with Calgary health region yesterday. They came up to London UK, to recruit nurses & physios for Calgary. So maybe I'll end up working there if I get accepted by Alliance first. Could you please tell me a bit about Calgary, which hospital would you recommend etc. Do you have a rotation system for physio 1(I was told you have 2 mnth rotations in each area). How much support from senior do you get? And do you have regular in-service training?
    Sorry to bother you with all this, but It's really helpfull to hear it from the physio! I am a junior physio who hasn't managed to get a junior rotation post in Uk for ages( like tousand others) and would like to do it in Canada, as it would be easier to pass the exam.

    Thank you again for your help


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    Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    Hi Thea,
    I have been in Canada since Oct 2005 (from Sussex originally), and took my written test here in Jan 06.

    If you were told CHR has 2 months rotaions for junior physios then I expect you are better informed than I am! I did not get into a hospital post, but joined the region in Home Care, which was sort of like community physio, but I had a case coordinator's role, so I had to case manage clients and arrange personal care and equipment etc, as well as (and in many cases instead of!) carrying out PT treatments.
    I have just started in a rehab centre run by "Care West" which is a private, not-for-profit company which is funded by the region for it's long term and rehab clients.

    In my experience, there are mainly PT1's who can be anything from just qualified to dinosaurs such as myself! New grads can get jobs in private care or in hospitals, and it seemed to me that it was up to the individual to be responsible for their professional development, with little structure such as in the UK. PT2's are likely to be clinical leads, ie superintendent grades. I haven't met many!

    It likely is different within an acute hospital, as there is more opportunity for supervision, support and teaching than in the areas where I have worked. There are certainly loads of internal and external courses, and CPD is a matter which will soon be enforced as it was being threatened to in the UK (has it happened yet??) I think it odd that they seem happy to allow a new grad loose unsupervised in clients' homes, and it can be extremely isolating too, so I'd recommend a hospital post to any new PT, personally.

    I'm surprised to hear that they were recruiting for PT's in England, though I know they are chronically short of nurses! You can check out Calgary Health Region, including vacancies, on their web-site, and also look at the College of Physical Therapists of Alberta, and the Canadian Association of Physical Therapists for more job opportunities.

    It is a wonderful place to live, especially if you are into winter sports and mountainy stuff! I don't really find huge differences in practice here, compared to the UK, some things seem better, others worse!, but that's life!

    One thing ... Calgary is still in "boom town" mode. It is not that cheap a place to live even compared to the UK!

    Let me know if I can help in any way.....

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    Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    Hi again

    I have more questions for you, if you don't mind.I am actually surprised to hear that life is expensive in Calgary. I was told that Alberta is the richest province in Canada and has the cheapest cost of living? I have the info pack about Alberta and it seams like the best place to be. I am trying to make up my mind where to go actually. Ideally I would like to work in BC.But sice I talked to those people form Calgary health region I've been thinking about this option too. They will even cover the cost of moving. But there is one problem though. I rang the College of PT in Alberta yesterday and they told me that I can't get a temporary licence unless I pass the theory part of PNE. They changed the rules in October 06. In BC you can actually get temp. licence as soon as you pay for the PNE, which I think is reasonable. I don't think i'll be able to pass the practical part if I don't work there prior to exam.
    Did you work in Calgary before compleeting PNE?

    Much appreciated


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    Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!


    Calgary is indeed a boom town, which has led to sky-rocketting in house prices mostly, as the city has grown at such a rate in the last 3 years, with many folks relocating here from other parts of Canada as well as abroad. The cost of rentals is also correspondingly high, and I guess you would be renting at least to start with.... and the availablity correspondingly low, with anything decent being snapped up. Check out www.Homerent.ca . Cars and gas (petrol) are of course cheaper, utility bills fairly high, car insurance is astronomical, and grocery bills for 4 of us are the same or maybe higher than I used to spend in England. Overall we do not find we are substantially better off, but then we have gone a little mad and bought a GORGEOUS house, and we like to ski etc, which is a bit of a money-burner!

    The only more expensive cities to live are Toronto and Vancouver.
    If you are coming from London though, you will probably find it cheaper here!!

    What makes Calgary (or rather Alberta) cost of living cheaper is that we pay only GST (Goods and service tax - like VAT) and not Provincial sales tax, PST, which all other provinces pay as well as GST. Also I believe Alberta personal income tax is amongst the lowest of all provinces.

    Many other provinces have much lower housing costs, but possibly fewer opportunities too, and often lower wages. Rural areas as opposed to cities may also give the same options.

    I had heard that Alberta PT's had changed the rules re the PCE/PNE. As it happened, I did not work before I had passed my written exam, but I would have done if I had been able to get a job! Once you do pass the written there should be no problem in working under mentorship while you study for your clinical part.

    Check out www.BritishExpats.com where you will get lots of information from people who are thinking about emigrating, doing it, have done it, or are Canadians who just like to join in! You can ask for everyone's opinions, but be warned some people are not happy and will tell you why!

    That said, we love it here!

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    Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    Thanks for the information. ur really very good at giving guidance. I am planing to come to canada by next year and looking for the information, at present i am working in UK.Please do let me know abut the process.

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    Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    Hi Slegs,

    Check out the web-site for the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators.


    This gives information regarding credentialing process, and then look at the Physiotherapy association or College for the province you are interested in registering in.

    Each province has it's own rules and requirements, but most require you to pass the Alliance's competency exam, which you can only challenge having had your credentials examined for equivalency to Canadian training first.

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    Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    Hi, I am physio from India very confused. I am planning to start my application to Alliance. Please help me to clear my doubts- I have given my IELTS academic (7.0bands overall score). Is this exam enough as an entry requirement. Actually i am planning to work in Canada for a year or so and than take up masters. Can you please guide me regarding the exam.First of all do i need to have an job offer from Canadian Institute before takinng up Alliance exam? is the exam really difficult espically the pratical part, what sort of cases are given. What about the theory.
    UR reply are greatly appreciated.

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    Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    Quote Originally Posted by kedarmate View Post
    Hi, I am physio from India very confused. I am planning to start my application to Alliance. Please help me to clear my doubts- I have given my IELTS academic (7.0bands overall score). Is this exam enough as an entry requirement. Actually i am planning to work in Canada for a year or so and than take up masters. Can you please guide me regarding the exam.First of all do i need to have an job offer from Canadian Institute before takinng up Alliance exam? is the exam really difficult espically the pratical part, what sort of cases are given. What about the theory.
    UR reply are greatly appreciated.

    Sorry, I have no knowledge of the IELTS exam as English is my first language, so it didn't arise.

    The Alliance will want to have full details from your physiotherapy school where you qualified in India, to ascertain the equivalency with the Canadian training before they will allow you to sit the exam. I'm sure all the details of what they require are on the Allaince's web-site as given above. If they feel you are lacking in any areas they may refuse you or request that you take up some training to cover their perceived gaps. In my own case they perceived a gap in pharmacology, but a letter from the CSP in England sorted that out!

    No you don't need to have a job offer in order to sit the exam.

    The practical exam is quite an ordeal, with a high percentage of overseas candidate failing at their first attempt, especially those for whom English is a second language. The Alliance has begun to address this problem by offering a course that is supposed to assist overseas candidates in preparing for the exam.

    All the details of the practical and the written exam are found on the Alliance's web-site, together with example questions and a detailed description of how the exam is set up.

    The Alliance claim they really DO want people to pass the rotten thing!

    Good luck!

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    Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    Hi, thanx
    ur information was very valuable.
    More trouble for - plz tell me what are the prospects of Physiotherapist in Canada. After completion of PCE how do i search for job in Canada. What post will i get after completion of the same.

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    Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    Once you have pass the PCE you will have no trouble getting a job anywhere in Canada!

    Your options are to join a clinic, where you will be lucky if you get paid 40% of the fee taken, or set up on your own if you feel brave enough, or to work for a health authority. You can easily find reams of jobs just by looking at the websites for the health authorities in your chosen location.

    Just decide where you want to live and check out the physiotherapy association for that province. They usually have jobs advertised.

    For example, here is the Alberta Physiotherapy Associations selection:
    and here's the Calgary Health region's list:

    It really is not hard to get a job. Your biggest hurdles will be immigration and accreditation, I suspect! Some provinces are looking for healthcare workers to sponsor. Take a look at BC (British Columbia), or Saskatchewan ..... you might get help with the whole process if they like you!

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    Talking Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    Hi, thanks.
    Can u plz tell me the books that are commonly used by the students there. Moreover what sort of cases are given for the pratical exam. I am presently working in a general Hospital in OPD, Indoor and intensive care setting treating ortho, neuro and to less extend cardio ptients. No exposure to sports and womens health. I got an offer from Bond University from Australia for Masters in Sports Science(1yr duration course). Don't know about the prospects, so mostly leaving this chance. Know anything about it plz let me know.

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    Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    Quote Originally Posted by kedarmate View Post
    Hi, thanks.
    Can u plz tell me the books that are commonly used by the students there. Moreover what sort of cases are given for the pratical exam. I am presently working in a general Hospital in OPD, Indoor and intensive care setting treating ortho, neuro and to less extend cardio ptients. No exposure to sports and womens health. I got an offer from Bond University from Australia for Masters in Sports Science(1yr duration course). Don't know about the prospects, so mostly leaving this chance. Know anything about it plz let me know.

    Do I know anything about Bond University from Australia for Masters in Sports Science(1yr duration course)? .... No I don't.

    As I previously stated, example questions/cases can be found on the Alliance web-site, as is a very complete and comprehensive booklist. I wasn't a student here, so I don't really know if students in Canada use any other books than those listed.

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    Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    Thanx for the reply.

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    Thumbs up Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!


    I got through my written and clinical on the first attempt!

    And I found that it is a very basic exam. Just stick to basic, practical scenarios.The US license exam books were very helpful.It is all stuff you know!

    For the clinical, the Alliance booklet and CD give you the right picture.Remember to ask for consent, follow basic precautions, contra-indications and very importantly-view the patient as you would in your clinical set up.

    Practice on your frinds, family members..set up model situations and PRACTICE-I mean, really go through the act as if you were in an exam.

    For example, if you had to examine a respiratory patient, what basic examinations would you carry out? DO all of them repeatedly, till you get over any hesitations, doubts and your nervousness!

    If asked to get a history from an arthritis patient, what would be your basic questions? Go ahead and time yourself and practice asking them in a logical, considerate way with your friends.

    I think for the clinical exam, if you have a few years of experienc, it helps.Even if you dont, it is just a case of being sure of your methods and doing a LOT of role-play at home.Can't emphasize that enough!

    Be cool!

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    Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    Hi. thanx. can i have ur mail id so, i can contact u directly.

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    I had sent u private msg giving u my email id..

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    Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    hi. i am already in process to my send my application to CAE, but i would like u to clear some of doubts. once ur credentials are evaluated, then u go to CANADA give ur exam return to ur home country and then wait for the results, if cleared than apply for job and then for the working visa. or do u get temporary working visa till u clear ur exam then continue if u pass. how do i select the territory to apply for. thanx for the time.

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    Exclamation Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    Quote Originally Posted by kedarmate View Post
    hi. i am already in process to my send my application to CAE, but i would like u to clear some of doubts. once ur credentials are evaluated, then u go to CANADA give ur exam return to ur home country and then wait for the results, if cleared than apply for job and then for the working visa. or do u get temporary working visa till u clear ur exam then continue if u pass. how do i select the territory to apply for. thanx for the time.

    Yes, u have to go there to give ur written exam first.Then ur clinical exam.I dont know if they will give u work visas, as they seem to have plenty of qualified PTs! You are allowed a provisional license after u pass the written.Check the link (under registrants-categories)



    But the best way is to get ur immigration done at the same time, so u can stay there and work too! Check out this link to Ontario.


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    Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    Can u help me further, i have an doubt like if u give 3 options (in the application form) where u like to work then u cannot change is it true?

    Moreover, which 3 province do i opt for plz tell, which has maximum job opportunities and other requirements u know of. Plz guide.

    After completion of credential evaluation and registration for exam on what basis i can go to Canada for giving exam, is it a tourist visa or temporary job, if latter is true how do i get one?

    How will i get accomodation there during the exam?

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    Re: Working in Canada-PNE, Please help!

    hi. i did not get any of ur message, plz send again.

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