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  1. #1
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    Physiotherapy in Canada? (Good or Bad)

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job
    I'm a Canadian citizen and a physiotherapy student. I've grown up loving this country and believing it to beautiful place full of many oppurtunities. But from reading more on Canada, it seems like i'm the only one who thinks so. All I read is negative things about the job oppurtunities, the continuing education, and the cost of living. I know that places like Vancouver are expensive to live, but compared to NY or California they are relatively cheap. Someone please say something positive about working as a PT in Canada. I need some positive feedback for a change to make me believe i'm not making a mistake in this field....

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  2. #2
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    Re: Physiotherapy in Canada? (Good or Bad)

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job
    I don't think you are making a mistake, at least in Canada you don't have a jobs crisis for new graduates like we have in the UK!! You're likley to get a job very easily compared to us UK students who are facing up to moving abroad to get jobs!

    I think Canada sounds like a wonderful place to work, yes if you are from overseas we need to sit your canadian exams, but thats no different to Australia and the USA where you also need to sit exams. I've also heard the Canadian exams are tough, but at the end of the day if you want to work there then you've no choice, if you dont fancy it go somewhere else! Plus it is so expensive in the UK to live, especially in the South of England. Much more expensive than Canada or Australia.

    In Canada you have job security, in the Uk there is very little security for new graduates- I have friends who have been looking for a permanent job for 3 years with no luck, others who have to accept 2 week physio jobs because they can't get anything else....it really is awful here with thousands of new graduates without jobs! So you should think yourself lucky to be in Canada!

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