Hi guys,
I'm new to this forum and I have a lot of questions regarding PTs in Canada, especially in Calgary Alberta. I am planning to go there maybe next year via the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program(family stream) because I have an uncle who lives in Alberta. Anyway, I'm a Licensed PT in the Philippines, and I really have no idea on how to obtain the license in Canada. Some say that it is a long and grueling process. I also discovered that I have to study again and the PCE has 2 parts, the written and the clinical part. Also, is there a review center there in Canada for the PCE? Here in the Philippines, there are review centers for our local board exam and the NPTE(National Physical THerapy Examination), the board exam in the USA. Can anyone give me an idea regarding the PCE, is it harder than the NPTE? I really would appreciate your help guys, thnx a lot and GOd Bless you all!
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