I have just made a start on my competencies for NZ registration and have a few things i'm unsure about and wondered if anyone could help me.
Once you have registration how long does it last for?
In competency 1.2.3 it asks about electrical modalities, I am struggling how to prove there use in cardiorespiratory, any tips?
How is it best to lay out the competencies I have split each up into sub headings then I have wrote how I generally covered them then broke down into cardiorespiratory, neuro and msk. I seem to be writing alot and wondered if i was doing too much. I find i'm repeating myself for each of the areas. is it best to combine them all together?do you need to make sure you are covering each point in each area?
Also as part of my degree programme I had to write a research proposal and a lit review we were not allowed to do actual research as the ethics committee would not allow it therefore i am going to struggle with comp 8.4, 8.5 is anyone in the same situation or got any solutions for this problem?
I'm sure I will have more problems as I continue with the competencies. I'm very greatful for any help anyone can offer.
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take a closer look in this category, there's heaps of people who commented on how to structure the competency stuff.
As to your other question:
You register once and that's that. Then you have to apply for an Annual Practicing Certificate (APC), about $240,-. This lasts for one year (cycle: 01.04. - 31.03. every year). Once you have got it, you will have to apply every year to remain on the register. The NZ Physio Board has got requirements you'll have to fulfil to keep your registration ongoing, and they audit several candidates every year. It's not too bad, though. Just like keeping up a detailed PDR.
The Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand > Recertification
The Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand > Annual Practising Certificate
Hope this helps a bit.