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  1. #1
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    Competency Information

    I've been reading through the threads on here and whilst they have proved helpful im still a little baffled about completing the new competencies. For each one they have the new template which is helpful but they have an almost exam like layout with the question for competency 1 as an example ' analyse and discuss' and then theyve listed a lot of components that we need to meet for the one competency. So i guess my question is.

    Are we supposed to answer each comp as an paragraph/essay type format covering each of the components or are people just listing evidence that meets each component for that competency resp/msk/neuro etc??

    I guess its difficult to answer as the majority of people already registered have done so under the old system but surely the lay out and process must be similar??

    If anyone can give me a few tips on how to format this epic portfolio id be hugely grateful!!

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    Re: Competency Information

    Hi James, while awaiting some replies you might try posting a similar line of questioning on some of the bigger threads on working in New Zealand. That might get sent automatically to those who have posted there which might prompt a faster response. Often re-igniting an older thread is a better way to gain a response and keep the information within one thread.

    Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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