Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi guys!
This thread is so helpful, thank you very much for this and congratulations to all who recieved their registration!!! By reading this some of my questions are already answered.
I am a German physio with a Netherlands bac who is also looking for the registration. I know it seems mad at the time if I look at the jobsituation or my studies, but however I will try. I think the biggest problem will be CP or the problem that only worked with prescriptions till now.
Jean85, I have similar problems with my curriculum - it is in German and as I know that my German curriculum will not be adequate for the board, I am not willing to translate it (anyway, I haven't got the money for this either). this leads me to my basic question: Anybody here who might have a translated German curriculum??? What if my German studies fell before or in the 10 years period? Will it be assessed than or not? If not this would solve some of my biggest problems at the moment.
Good luck to you all!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Just to let those people know that are in process or considering do there registration. I got mine through in Nov it has cost me a lot of money to complete it and then there are visas to pay for. This whole process is not cheap! At the moment I still have not got a job and I have been looking since January. The competition is very high and it is very very difficult to find work at the mo so I am still stuck in the UK! So, may suggest is you think about this before doing the whole process and paying all that money out and not able to get a job in NZ!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hey erine09
sound advice considering the current job market in NZ
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
after looking at the situation i want to know will it be better if i do sport & exercise science in WINTEC university & then try for a job rather than doing masters in physiotherapy in NZ ?? i have done bachlors in physiotherapy from india this year.
i need your suggestions help me !!!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Jamesmayur.
Most physios with undergraduate training in India have problems meeting the NZ Physio Board requirements for registration in NZ.
The WINTEC course would give you a qualification completely outside physiotherapy. It would not improve your chances of registration in here or many other countries such as Australia. And it would not be considered part of physiotherapy practice although it would be broadening your skills.. However if you wanted to pursue an exercise physiology career this sort of course would do.
WINTEC is not a University. It is a polytechnic which in NZ means a lower level of education than a university. Personally I would be more inclined to apply for a more prestigious institute. In Auckland both AUT (Auckland University of Technology) and Auckland University offer post graduate courses in sport and exercise science. AUT is where one of the schools of physiotherapy is housed so you would have that link. Auckland University is one of our top universities and they do some excellent research in the exercise science area - including some rehabilitative science. Have a look at their programmes
If you want to pursue a physiotherapy career then you would be better off going to one of the physiothereapy schools. In which case consider either Otago university in the South Island or AUT physiotherapy school post grad qualifications. Have a look on their websites and you will see what post grad degrees and course that make up these degrees are available. While it is difficult for to get registration to practice in NZ temporary registration is much more easily attained that you can apply for when enrolling in a course. We have a lot of Indian physios completing higher degrees at these schools and the experience generally seems favourable.
One word of warning: when you have completed your post graduate qualification there may still be hurdles to permanent registration as the board is interested in your basic competencies in cardiopulmonary, neurological and musculoskeletal physiotherapy. However NZ post grad physio courses have good international standing in physiotherapy
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi, just wanted to ask those who have used the new templates and got successful registration:
did u just reference your appendix in the template or write a sentance to expain/justify what part of the competency it meets?
im finding alot of what im putting in the templates is repetitive in each competency is this right/normal?
hope that makes sense!
thanks in advance
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
also is it 3-5 pieces of evidence in total or for each of the 3 specialities?
what stage are you at Lisa?
I'm also compiling it spent ages doing all the wee footery bits!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
hiya. i am doing it as i rotate so have done the respiratory bit and doing the msk bit. just trying to gather all the bits and peices together too. not sure if im doing too much but trying to do case studies as evidence.
i understand it to be 3-5 bits per compentency as the templates show.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
i've been doing all the easy stuff like the treaty, the application form and now the cv, so just need to get stuck into the nitty gritty! been gathering information for ages so just need to bite the bullet and get it done-not my preferred choice of how to spend my weekend but hey!
good luck!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Can I just ask if anyone has looked into the payment side of things? I realise they want the money paid from a New Zealand bank account but being in the UK im not sure of the best one to set up online? does anyone have an ideas or know of good banks to use?
thanks annie xx
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Originally Posted by
Can I just ask if anyone has looked into the payment side of things? I realise they want the money paid from a New Zealand bank account but being in the UK im not sure of the best one to set up online? does anyone have an ideas or know of good banks to use?
thanks annie xx
i'm pretty sure that you can pay with a bankers draft, where you go into your own bank pay the fee and they convert it into NZ dollars. kinda like a postal order i think:D
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
just a quick warning, as I read something here about case studies:
In one of our recent Physio meetings, we discussed ethics and confidentiality.
I hadn't looked into it for a while, but apparently, in NZ, you are not permitted to publish/ send/ share anything that could identify the client. To black-out a person's name, DOB, etc. isn't good enough. You also have to take out ANY clinical information, e.g. muscle strength testing, etc.
Our facilitator had also reviewed the guidelines for the registration application form and on page 14 is a warning, which highlights the same.
Therefore, may I just suggest to not send any case studies to the Physioboard. Unless, of course, you have got written client consent.:)
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Guys,
I recently had my registration returned for not submitting a couple of the mandatory documents correctly eg the hpc certificate alone is NOT sufficient, you need to get a certificate of good standing from the HPC and some other bits regarding my uni course details. Ive sent it back again and im waiting to hear.
I'd be happy to send a copy of one or two of my templates to anyone who'd like a copy as they are a bit tricky to complete and after a couple of phonecalls to the board i think and hope they are ok!
Good luck!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Thanks fyzio for that, i find it hard to understand how you can prove your competence without the use of case studies? was there any suggestions made about how to get round this? thanks
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
thats a bloody pain since i've just spent ages doing one for each msk,cvp and neuro. i thought they were a great way to encompass all of the components of each competency. also for showing your clinical reasoning and soap notes etc. a bit hard to get written consent when one of your patients is a quadraplegic!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Oh, come on guys. Get a grip.
Have you ever had any teaching in regards to Ethics???
You are not permitted by law to disclose ANY information about patients. That's it.
Written consent can be given by the patient or by a patient representative. Who's got POA? Who is next of kin?
And as to other ways of proving competencies: you can always make up case scanarios, or get copies of your performance appraisals, reflective practice sheets, SWOT analysis', documentation audits, peer reviews, and whatever it is that you do .... The Physioboard's application guide document has even got reflection sheets in it, which you could use.
Bottom of the page: The Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand > Registration - Overseas Qualified Physiotherapists
You'll be fine. Don't get too uptight about it!!!
Good luck,
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi guys i need a little bit of advice.
After finally getting my reg through last week my next mission to obtain a visa. Does anyone have any tips on what visa to go for, how much and what time scales it may take to get?
Cheers in advance
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Well done James on getting your reg through. I cant help you on the visa Just wondering how long it took to get the registration? I sent mine off a few weeks ago.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Paul
the first step is having your payment taken from your account. If all your documents are ok they will take the money and then send you a letter saying its benn accepted for final Ax.
Then it took roughly 6 weeks to be accepted, i had to forward on a 2nd uni transcript tho then it was only a couple of weeks. Theyre quicker than you might think once they have all the right documents and have taken payment.
Good luck!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi guys,
Congrats to whoever has succesfully got the registration. I haven't started the process yet but have some questions before taking the plunge. I studied from India and I know that I will have to study in NZ before I can apply for registration. From previous threads it seems like I might lack in the cardioplumonary area for the competencies. My question is- If I plan to do a course in that area should it be in acute care or in exercise physiology and exs prescription ? I am currently working in the US and for physios they don't have any courses in acute cardiopulmonary PT.
thanks for all the valuable inputso far.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
A BIG THANK-YOU to kempo1981 for emailing me templates and eg's of reflections -has been a great help and shed a lot of light in a process which I found very frustrating and complicated!! -but not as much now with every1s help and advice -GREAT!
Have been tackling my NZ reg now for a while and only came accross this site the other day -has been a God send!!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
I am just starting the process for my New Zealand registration. Would it be possible to ask for some help on the CV template. Would anyone who has gained resgistration be able to send me an example of what they have done? I am not sure how much information to put on there.
Also examples of reflection statement and CPD would be fab.
Thanks in advance.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
hi all...
I am an Indian Physiotherapist having PR visa for australia...Can anyone guide me to get registered in NZ???How all the competencies got complited?I am having so much of confusion regarding the NZ registration...help me out plz..
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Originally Posted by
I would say good luck to anyone who has or thinks they can get NZ registration approved in 8 weeks. It takes 4 weeks (Minimum) to get through the initial checking process to ensure you have included all the required documents. Then they will send the application to the Approved Physio assessors (this takes a week) and this process will take another 4 weeks.... IF everything is in order and you do not need to supply anymore evidence you are looking at a minimum of 9 - 10 weeks for the assessment stages. This does not account for the time it takes for letters to be sent to you telling you what the latest update is on your application...... In addition this does not mean that you can practice, you then have to purchase an annual practicing cerificate which will take atleast another week. Hence from sending your application you are looking at minimum of 12 weeks IF everything is in order!!!!!
Anyway I have just had my application approved and am happy to help people along the way. I am willing to send you copies of the completed templates I supplied and an example of some of the reflections on practice which I supplied to the board. Just reply to this thread or contact me at
[email protected] make sure you put PHYSIO BOARD HELP or something in the subject so I dont delete your e-mail.
Also dont want to put anyone off but the job situation here is very poor at the moment due to ACC taking physio away from the treatments that they provide so would recommend that you have a ob offer before you come here!!
Thanks and good luck
hi...I am so much confused about the compitency for registration.Can you please send me the copies ofthe complited templates you supplied.I'll be thankful to you...
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
I M A THIRD YR PHY STUDENT FRM INDIA . PLZ leT me know the procedures of settling down in New Zealand.i wl be very thankful to u all