Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Originally Posted by
Im in a very similar situation, my post grad experience is more neuro orientated so im finding it difficult to get evidence of specific MSK and CVP things. I have mainly done some reflections and i read a couple of articles that i have done appraisals for. How have you got on? managed to find any evidence?
I'm still in the middle of completing mine but have done pretty much the same things as you; reflections of any areas I didnt see very often, included presentations I had done in those areas, and included my registrations body's core areas as supporting evidence. Hope that may help?!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi everyone,
This feed is great help, and congratulation to those who have their registration. I'm nearly there with my project now. I've sent several emails and had phone calls with the NZ physio board. They are really helpful!
Just a quick question though. I'm getting confused about the Treaty of Waitangi reflection. There are the principles of Protection, participation and partnership, but there's also the 'principles for crown action on the treaty of waitangi'. How do these relate to each other, and how do they affect physiotherapy?
And the contents list - has anyone for any suggestions as to the best way to format this?
Many thanks,
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Originally Posted by
Hi everyone,
This feed is great help, and congratulation to those who have their registration. I'm nearly there with my project now. I've sent several emails and had phone calls with the NZ physio board. They are really helpful!
Just a quick question though. I'm getting confused about the Treaty of Waitangi reflection. There are the principles of Protection, participation and partnership, but there's also the 'principles for crown action on the treaty of waitangi'. How do these relate to each other, and how do they affect physiotherapy?
And the contents list - has anyone for any suggestions as to the best way to format this?
Many thanks,
To be Honest as far as teh Treaty is concerened I just did an A4 general overview of the treaty, didnt mention the crown and related it to working with diverse population in my demografic area in the UK that i have previously worked. You dont need to go deep into it at all.
With regards to the contents list, i'm happy to email you mine for guidance if you want to PM me i'll give yu my email address.
Looks like your getting there
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Originally Posted by
I have a similar query to Maireads if anyone would be able to help if possible.
I did a 3 year BSc Physio degree that included the 1000 Clinical Hours required and have 15months post graduate experience but my postgrad experience has pretty much no CVP experience. What do you put into the '3-5 items of postgrad supporting evidence' section if this is the case? I have 1 or 2 reflections of the minimal CVP postgrad interactions I had, but the board advises not to use too many of the same types of evidence. Has anyone any idea what else could be used? Have looked into getting any upcoming Resp courses but cant seem to find any (in Ireland).
Any suggestions/help/advice would be greatly appreciated!
HI there, The best thing you can do is do some shadowing or better still get on a resp course like you said. You may have to go to England to do this, they run most weekends in a city somewhere. I'm afraid in order to be able to provide enough evidence for those sections you must have post grad experince of some sort.
Sorry, maybe not helpful
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Originally Posted by
hi kevin i am samuel i did my batchellors of physiotherapy in india and i also have 2 yrs work experience as a physiotherapist in india now i am doing my graduate diploma in sports and exercise science in newzealand now i am in very critical position as i am unable to decide what to do now as they are saying indian qualification is not valid in nz can u plz help me in the process
You will need to go onto the The New Zealand Board of Physiotherapitsts website and do a quick self assessment to see if you can register. You will have to take language exams and do the whole registration process we are all doing. I have heard its not easy, but possible for Indian trained physios.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Mairead
Yes a small resp course will give you some CPD evidence in the resp areas, it need not be a huge expensive weekend course, but it should cover enough for you to reflect and use info from thre course, ie certificate etc
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Very True....
For nearly all the same reasons mine got sent back too! I have changed CV etc and now been told to wait a further 4 weeks at least...but they have taken my money so i guess thats a good sign?!!
Originally Posted by
Hi Guys
I thought I'd just let you know a few things so that you could learn from my mistakes.
- When the board say to do it on the most recent forms they mean it! I never checked to see if forms had been updated since I originally downloaded them and sent them off in Sept. The board have sent the whole application back to me.
- Also make sure your referees send the original form through as photocopies will not be accepted.
- Do not copy and paste job descriptions from your jobs(nhs in my case) directly into the CV. This needs to be in your own words.
- If you send a certificate as evidence, make sure it is accompanied by a reflection.
- For the treaty of Waitangi, it was suggested to me to include reference to research undertaken with regards to the treaty.
Anyway, I'm off to complete another application!
Good luck
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Guys,
Just giving an update, I got some great help along the way from a few people on this thread, thanks again. My application is currently with the board. They received it well over three weeks ago and I have only received a letter confirming they had received it. I was waiting as it advises the process takes 2 months but I don't think this is currently the case, I think mine is going to be a bit longer than that. I rang through as I hadn't heard anything in over three weeks and from what I can gather they are just sitting on a desk waiting to be looked at. I was given no indication when it would be looked at I was informed it would now take a minimum of three months due to a backlog. On top of this I do not yet know whether or not everything is correct or if they will send it back yet as they haven't even looked at that part. It is very frustrating when I spent months putting it together and checking and checking everything to ensure it was right.
I want to work and travel in NZ I really do but if this persists I will be going to Oz as my college course has equivalency and to be honest the process appears far more efficient and structured (if I sent off my application to Oz I could get it in two weeks) but I did not know this when I applied to NZ as i would have gone through the Trans Tasmanian way but hindsight is a great thing. I just can't believe Kevin had so much ease getting into NZ despite most people on this thread having applications sent back numerous times.
If any one has had similar experiences or thinks I am being far too inpatient please show me the light but I found it easier to obtain a degree in college compared to NZ registration!!
(P.s. if my reg comes through first time and I've no issues I will happily provide any help with applications or templates etc but should probably wait to see if what I've done is correct!)
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Nutmeg,
January is a bad time to send your application in.
We have about 300 Students who graduate at the end of December and they will all have to get registered by the Board as well.
I don't know, but presume that the NZ graduates take preference to foreign applicants in terms of getting registration - and , by the way, it's the same for Australia around this time.
Cheers, Fyzzio
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Originally Posted by
Hi Nutmeg,January is a bad time to send your application in.We have about 300 Students who graduate at the end of December and they will all have to get registered by the Board as well.I don't know, but presume that the NZ graduates take preference to foreign applicants in terms of getting registration - and , by the way, it's the same for Australia around this time.;)Cheers, Fyzzio
Yeah no don't get me wrong they were more than helpful when I rang, if its busy and there are lots of applications there is nothing that can be done. Its just more the process really, with Australia my degree course was given equivalency due to the course content because its so similar to the syllabus studied there. Therefore I could have paid to get Oz reg and then trans tasmanian through to NZ. But I would end up paying registration and visas in the two countries but if my degree could be recognised in NZ rather than indirectly through OZ i'd be a much happier camper!! To me its red tape I feel as it should be internationally standardised to allow for more scope for physio's to travel and work worldwide, it is actively encouraged and supported in medicine. Sorry just my two cents appreciate the reply though! Hopefully it'll come through soon!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi everyone,
Reading all of these posts has been really helpful. I am currently working in Oz but as you all may know, the registration process to stay here has become very difficult. Long story short, I am now going to have to register to do the exams if I want to stay. Not only does the idea of this fill me with dread but it also costs a fortune! I am thinking of using the NZ route to bypass this scary experience. I have read through the forms and see that there is so much work to be done which is fine. I graduated in 2010 but do not have any of my projects, placement info etc and wonder if this will be problematic? Also, I note that the form wants to know if you have applied for a job or visa. Am I right in thinking that as the process is so long, can I apply for a job and visa once the application was complete? And is anyone else in my situation? I'm really feeling like I may need a lot of support and advice on this endeavour!!
Well done to those that have achieved registration!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hey all,
i am just starting to complete mine. I am struggling with the evidence for components -1.1-1.9 in each core? What sort of evidence are people using there.
Also for the 4th page of each core it seems a bit vague and I have just referenced the same evidence iv just used for the first 3 pages as it seems to be a bit of a now put it all together page.
Any advice of specific things people have put as evidence for the first component of each core?
Sheesh it's so hard!
Thanks kirsten
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Kirsten,
I have done the same as you with the fourth page and just referenced evidenced used on the first 3 competencies. For the 1.1-1.9 components have used things like a mandatory training course certificate and reflection on equality and diversity, a reflection on health promotion, a competency I have do at work on normal development (I work in paeds), in-service training I have presented for a certain pathology ( shows indication for Physiotherapy). You don't need to cover all components.
Hope this helps
Leanne :-)
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Hi All,
I am now towards the end of completing the competencies, and can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Just wanting some advice about section one of the competencies, I have referenced the modules from my university course transcript as it states. I have saved all my essays and markers comments from uni and I also have copies of my clinical educators assessor sheets from my placements, can these be put in section one as they are from my undergraduate study or would they count as pieces of evidence and should be in section 3?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Leanne :-)
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Leanne,
Well done on almost completing your form.... I am getting there slowly. I have most of the official documentation and now putting my evidence together from the past 10 years since I qualified, would you be happy for me to email you and ask you a couple of questions. This site has been really helpful, but I know the application process has recently changed and it is now all in template form, I am just a little stuck on what to include in certain areas. My email is [email protected]. It would be great to get in touch with you, thanks!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
This thread is so useful thanks everyone! Im just starting to put my stuff together properly now. It all gets very confusing! Does anyone know if theres anywhere to see a sample of the template or would mind sending just one example of what the template should look like? I get Row 3- you just list the evidence. Its row 1 and 2 structure thats confusing me! Are you supposed to list a few experiences you have had then elaborate for a sentence or so. Or do they want a paragraph about various experiences.
Any enlightenment is appreciated!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Sarah,
Sounds like you are in the same boat as me. From what I've read on this forum (which is a god send!!) and the NZ physio board website, in row 1 you reference a particular part in your course transcript/syllabus that shows how you meet the competency. So for the musculoskeletal competencies I would reference the page number of all the modules relevant to MSK so that the assessors can easily find the info and see that you meet the competency. I am just using bullet points?! Same for row 2, just cross reference the page number for the relevant post on your CV that again shows how you meet the competency. Again, I'm using bullet points. Hope that helps.
Hi All,
The answer to this question is probably somewhere on this site but I can't find it for looking! With regard to the neuro competency in particular, i'm struggling for specific evidence. I have got 3 years MSK experience and have completed in-patient rotations for 18 months prior to this in ICU, elderly care and ortho. Has anybody else found this... How do I evidence my neuro? Would it be sufficient to say I saw some neuro patients in the other rotations which I did and that I still do occassionally now? Or is uni placement sufficient? Any advice would be great.
Cheers, Terri.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
I was in the same boat, could evidence uni placements and then rotations but struggled getting a recent neuro reference. I have taken the Australian exams instead. Been a msk physio for over 10 years. Passed the written and waiting to do the practical exams now.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Guys,
I'm just starting my NZ rego process with the aim of moving to NZ in a year or so. Finding the forms quite confusing at present though. Was wondering if anyone who has completed the forms would be willing and able to send me a copy of their successful application forms to give me an idea of what I need to put into the forms and more the format of how they would like it displayed. Am pretty concerned at having to pay for re-submission of the forms as I'm not particularly secure financially at present. Any help or advice would be hugely appreciated :)
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Sorry, have not completed mine. I asked the sme question last year but never got a reply. I have taken the Australian exams instead.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Fair enough. I guess the people who have completed the forms no longer need to come onto forums like this :( How're the Australia exams going?
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Not too bad, passed written so about to do the practicals. I was ok with the evidence for musculoskeletal and respiratory but worked in neuro over 9 years ago so was struggling with the neuro reference. I was going to go to Nz first and spend a few months working whilst visiting family but now we are going to go to Oz as I have a job later in the year. I think main tip is to get all your supporting evidence together and then start going through it. I got all my uni course booklets, placements, reflective statements and did the cv and treaty part but did not get going on the statement/evidence parts. Several people on previous posts said that they would be willing to help but had no replies.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
I've never worked in neuro or respiratory but did do undergrad placements in both areas. And will have 3 years msk by the time I apply. Hopefully that'll suffice. Thanks for the advice. I'm printing all the forms off now as I find it easier if its on paper! I guess if you get into oz you can always do the trans-tasman agreeement to work in nz if you wanted. I'm thinking of doing the same after I've spent a bit of time working in nz and travelling a bit around there. When are your practicals? Aiming to go to Oz soon?
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Just waiting dates but hopefully beginning of September. I can work there now on limited registration. Are you still in contact with your supervisors as the work history verification part is the reference part? I start work beginning of October, I work in msk.
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The main thing on the Nz registration is showing ongoing competence in all 3 areas, some of the competences are msk, some neuro and some resp. There is a bit for placements and next bit employment in each area, reading articles, cpd etc.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
That's cool, best of luck with your practical exams for Oz! When you say supervisors, do you mean my old clinical educators or my previous/current work bosses? So basically I'm going to have to show articles I have read and reflected on in the resp and neuro areas as well as msk? Hope I won;t have to go on any neuro or resp cpd courses in the meantime! Any chance I could have a look at some of the nz stuff you have done at all? Its fine if not but may help with getting me started.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Terri,
Im a Dutch physio looking to gain registration in NZ. As many people before me I find it hard (making it hard for myself?) to fill out the Templates. I don't seem to find enough space at the given templates, so I'm probably being to extensive in my answers. Could you maybe email me an example? I read your thread obviously, but cant really picture it. Might be really helpful! My address is [email protected].
Thank you very much in advance!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
I was wondering, does anyone know if attending an IST and reflecting on that you've learnt counts as sufficient evidence? With the presentation handouts included with it so it states what the course outline was. I'm finding it difficult showing evidence of the 1st templates i.e. human structures etc for neuro/msk/resp.
Geert, I havent got very far yet so probably not much help but I presume your write as little or as much as you like in the boxes they just extend as you write more. I plan on putting the title and a few brief lines about it. I.e row 1- uni module name, this module covers .... and describe about 2-3 sentences from the transcript. not sure if thats too much or too little but thats what im rocking with! anyone else doing the same kind of thing?