Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi again guys, just got a few more questions if anyone can help?
1) Did everyone who used their dissertation get it stamped and signed by their University?
2) Did anyone using in service trainings/presentations they delivered get them signed by a senior physio?
3) Change of name: when I was a child my mum started using her maiden name as my surname and no legal action was done as it doesn't need to be as a child. However, the NZ reg guidance advises they need a statutory declaration or deed poll, neither of which I have. Has anyone else come across this before and if so what have you done?
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
I can answer the first 2 questions:
1) yes, I did
2) yes, I did
Hope that helps,
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Thanks again Fyzzio.
Another question (of which I feel I will have a few over the next few weeks)....
When you are providing a certificate for a course attended and a supporting piece of evidence for that course, is it classed as one or two pieces of evidence?
Also when supplying an in-service training you have done, have you supplied a reflection on it or just a copy of the powerpoint presentation itself?
Would it be sufficient to hand write 'section H, page 1' on the evidence or is there another way to go about this?
Finally..for now.. with the contents list that you cross reference, did you just create your own or is there a NZ reg one? I can't seem to see one anywhere.
Think I'm getting the jitters now as I'm so close to finishing and trying to make sure I have everything done correctly!!!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi all!!
I just have a question about the cv part of the application. How much detail exactly do you go into when listing experience, techniques used etc?? this seems like it could be absolutely HUGE and go on forever!
Any assistance with how to go about the CV template, or if anyone would be kind enough to send me an example (to [email protected]) it would be so greatly appreciated as i don't know where to start and feel like i may end up waffling on an awful lot!
Thanks so much for all the helpful info everyone has posted so far! :)
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
i need the template too.
[email protected]
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi guys, in a bit of a panic here, I sent off my application for registration in NZ 1 week ago (acknowldgement received from NZ physio board) but I:
1) Did not get my IST presentations signed off my a fellow senior physio?
2) Have only got 1 reference out of the 3 to fill in the reference section of the application form and send it in but are all 3 references supposed to do this i.e. you have to print out 3 copies of the reference section of the application form and get them to fill it in, as this seems long winded and silly to me?
For these 2 reasons I think my app may be sent back to me, I'm just trying to pre-empt to save time and at lease I can rectify question 2 if i need too?!!
Any help would be much appreciated,
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi everyone
I could really use some help, am trying to fill out the competency templates and finding it very confusing. If anyone is able to send me a sample of how this is filled in it would be most appreciated. I am not a young physio and much older still trying to make a start of things. Not as net savvy but somehow managed to find this forum. Any help is appreciated! [email protected]..
Thank you!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hello all,
i am glad that all physiotherapist over the world helping each others as i see in this page.
i am preparing for NZ board and as i see in the site its need a to fill up templates and i am looking for somebody can mail me some idea how to fill it .
if someone can mail me the information and templates to help with my registration.
this my mail address: [email protected]
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
1) I think you need them signed as you have signed the declaration to say they are your own work.
2) I don't understand this bit??!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hey all! Is anyone able to give me any guidance on how much info/how to set out all the info on the CV template? How much detail did you go into e.g. conditions treated, techniques used etc ?? I am just not quite sure how to tackle it! any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks :)
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Woohoo.....finally sent mine off today :) Had the feeling I must be missing something but I've double checked so many times hopefully it's nothing much if there is.For your question re: 1) IST getting signed and 2) references.....1) I have heard of people who sent their application without getting IST signed as you sign the declaration to say it's your own work and they didn't get their application sent back. Hence I haven't had my IST certified (I'm sure they will let me know though if they want this doing and I can re-post when I hear back). I have also heard people who said you do need to get IST signed. I did get my course certificates certified however, I don't know whether they want this doing or not but again we'll see.2) You need a validation of work history from three people (if this is the section you mean). So you need to fill in three peoples details on the actual application form (I did mine for MSK, neuro and resp) and then the actual validation forms all need sending off separately to your main application.As for templates, the first section I put my uni modules and clinical placement documents in that met with the competency, section two I put which validation of work history would meet them and my CV, third section I put 3 to 5 pieces of evidence that met the competency.Hope this helps. If I need to re-send anything I will let you guys know. I did email them a couple of times and they're really helpful so you could always try that. Good luck everyone, I'll let you know what happens
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Suggestion- finish your training in the UK- transfer. Would contact the UK board and ask what would be required to register in the UK, and if you would need to take any additional classes to do so. Once registered in the UK, it should transfer easily to NZ.
---------- Post added at 06:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:33 AM ----------
I noticed that someone said they got their APC, Annual Practicing Certificate. It is an unnecessary expense, unless you have already landed in New Zealand, and are starting work. The APC is separate from registration. It's a subtle distinction that few people realize. I would save my money. It's an unnecessary expense until you are really ready to start treating patients. You can get on the registry without getting an APC, though I am sure the Board is happy to take your money. Regards, Dan
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Guys,
Firstly, thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread- its really helpful as I'm going through the tedious task of completing the competencies templates now and its nice to hear that people actually do finish it. Anyway, I have a couple questions...
1. Does each part of the competency need to be addressed (as I feel I'm writing way too much for each section), for example comp 2, do you need to write how you have met each aspect (2.1, 2.2, 2.3 etc etc)? Or just an overall summary for Assess, Analyse and Plan Physiotherapy Management?
2. I have used the same bits of evidence for multiple comp's, this is OK right? otherwise I'd have loads of pieces. And I'm only using 3 references to show I can meet each requirement and just referenced to each of them. Does this sound right?
3. Far column, what do I put in there, the page number in appendix of the piece of supporting info I've used?
4. And Finally.....Would anyone be kind enough to email me a copy of even just one of their completed competency sheets, I think I'm on the right track, but just like everyone else I really want to make sure its completely correct before sending it off. I don't mind doing a swap with someone either, my email is [email protected]
Thanks so much and if anyone else needs a hand I'd be happy to try and help.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi all, im new to this forum but have been following the threads for a while
Me and my partner have started the tedious process of filling in all the templates and have come across a stumbling block -
On the 4th template of each core area there are no components, it just says this:
Competency9.4 (Cardiovascular/Pulmonary)
Demonstrateautonomous practice as an entry level physiotherapist encompassingcardiovascular/pulmonary, neurology and musculoskeletal bases ofphysiotherapy management.
How have people tackled this one?? we are not sure what to include in each section
Any advice/help will be greatly appreciated
Much love fellow physios!!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi All,
Thanks to everyone for conrtibuting to the thread has been really helpful so far.
I have recently started my application and would love to know that I'm on the right track, if anyone would kindly email me a copy of one of their competencies I would be very grateful - [email protected].
Any advice much appreciated!!
Kind Regards
Leanne :-)
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
hi every one
i am new here,i like this site and i want if some one can help me in filling the competency and templates need for New Zealand overseas registration process
i download the pdf files from the website and dont know how to start..
any help please by sending me a copy of this competency and templates and i will be very thankfully..
this is my email : [email protected]
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Guys,
Another physio here looking for a little bit of help. If anyone would be able to send me one or two of their comp sheets to have a quick look at to make sure I am on the right track I would be really grateful.
Thanks very much in advance
[email protected]
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Guys,
This thread has been incredibly useful, so thanks to everyone for contributing to it. The whole registration process looks very daunting at first, but this thread has really helped make it seem more achievable. I have a couple of questions: firstly I've been qualified now for almost 4 years and I specialized in MSK from the offset, during my time in MSK outpatients I did come across quite a few patients who had respiratory or neurological problems as well as the presenting MSK complaint, do you think that will be enough to show my continuing learning since qualification. I am a little concerned because I haven't done a Respiratory or Neuro rotation since university, this may make this whole process impossible. Any thoughts on that, or success stories of someone in a similar situation would be greatly appreciated!
Secondly, I would really appreciate it if someone could send me a few completed competency sheets in order to help with the process of filling them all out. My email address is [email protected].
Thanks again all, and hope someone can help.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
A huge thank you to Chris Kempson for sending me completed templates!! it will be a huge help with the whole process! He says he is happy to send them on to others also, his email is... [email protected]
Thanks again!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Guys,
Thanks toeveryone for contributing to the thread it has been really helpful so far.
1) ClinicalHours- I have gotten a general letter from my Uni stating that I completed 1000hours in the three core areas in a variety of setting. Would it be better if Ihad a table of the placements I completed, with the areas of physio, settingetc?
2) Canyou use your validation of work history forms as a reference?
Also if anyone would kindly email me a copy of one of their competencies and oneof their reflective statements to ensure I am on the right track I would bevery grateful! Email: [email protected].
Thankingyou in advance,
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Guys,
This is a great tread and really useful, thanks to everybody that has contributed! Its great to hear that have been assisted through individuals from the forum.
I have just recieved transcripts and syllabus from Uni so am ready to put together the start of my competency sheets for my registration.
I have a few years experience so I think I will be ok for the work based stuff, although I haven't done any Neuro or Resp for quite a long time.
I am looking for some guidence on how to fill the competency templates out, particulary how much information of a description to put down for each sub section or do I just refernce everything to an appendix?
I would really appreciate it if anybody could email me a couple of competecy template examples so I can get an idea of how best to fill them out. My email address is [email protected]
Hope someone can help me out??
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Thanks for all the info everyone. I am wondering if anyone has the competency templates that they wouldn't mind sending along to me ([email protected]). It would be greatly appreciated! Also, I am struggling to know what to submit for supporting evidence. Have people been submitting work from school? (I only have one year of post-grad experience, so a lot of my evidence would come from school, but in the application notes it says it needs to be post-grad) how many reflection pieces are people submitting?
Appreciate any insight people can give...
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
sorry, cannot answer your questions, but just noted that as location you have listed "Melbourne, Australia".
Do you have Australian registration? Because if so, you wouldn't have to go through the process at all, but apply for NZ registration under the TTMRA. ???
And some other comments:
- if it says post-grad, it will mean post-grad not under-grad. :-)
I only have one year of post-grad experience
ONLY one year? Haven't you done any PD in that year? Performance appraisal, objectives setting, peer reviews, presentations, literature searches, SWOT analysis, ...? My new grads certainly have to undergo quite a lot in their first year.
Good luck,
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
I am originally from Australia and moved back here a year ago. I'm not registered here because we're planning to move to NZ. My husband has family and a job there. IF we plan to ever move back to Australia then I know I can use the TTMRA.
I attended several continuing education courses and gave several in-service training to the staff I worked with, so I am submitting those. I have one performance review. I just hope they are considered "Strong" pieces of evidence or if I should supplement them with reflective pieces. How many relective statements are appropriate to include?
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
I have recently looked at the stuff with an English physio friend of mine. She wrote reflections for those competencies where she believed that she might not have enough pieces of evidence.
Have you got the application guidance notes? They are on the website.
Page 16 gives you a list and examples of strong evidence ...
Cheers, Fyzzio