brownboitech (04-12-2015)
As I have received help on these forums before, I thought I would give something back!
I have just successfully gained registration in New Zealand with no setbacks at all. The process is long in putting stuff together but can offer advice/tips if anyone feels they need it.
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brownboitech (04-12-2015)
Congrats on getting your registration! I'm very jealous you're at the end of the whole process!
I'm currently in the middle of doing it all. I'm planning on working in Australia, but am going to register through New Zealand first as it seems to be the easier and cheaper option.
Can I ask you how long it took to actaully gain your registration once you sent off your application pack? Did they come back to you with any corrections?
Hi Steven,
well done on gaining registration to practice in Nz!! I'm really wanting to practise in Nz and have started to look into it and printed all relevant documentation. You don't have any tips on how to present the application? How much detail to go into? Getting really stressed out about it? Thank you Thea
Hi steven
I am busy with my registration and those competency forms are getting me under. Don't quite know where to begin. Can you please help! Thanks
Congratulations! i'm stanley, a physiotherapist registered in Philippines, i already completed my requirements for PTNZ qualifications. I'll be coming in NZ on September. Is it wiser if i register on the PTNZ council offshore? if yes, HOW? or is it more wiser to apply personally in NZ? thank you!
all the best,
Hi Stan,
what do you mean by 'completed my requirements for PTNZ registration' ?
There is
a) PNZ (Physiotherapy New Zealand); this is the Professional Physiotherapy Association of New Zealand. As far as I know you need to be a registered Physio in NZ in order to gain membership. It is not compulsory in NZ for Physios to be members. Getting membership is easy, you apply, pay the fees and that's that. You can do that online - anytime.
b) PTBNZ (Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand); this is the quality authority which deals with registration of Physiotherapists (= professional licence) in NZ. This is a lengthy process for foreigners - if you haven't applied for registration yet - do it as soon as possible - it can take months.
Thank you for replying Fyzzio. I'm talking about PTBNZ... I already have requirements like certificate of employment, BSphysio Diploma, Cert.of English, etc. so it is also safer and wiser to apply online offshore? thank you
Thank you,
Hi Stan, yes, I would do it straight away. Most people that I talked to report that it took them about 6 months to complete all the forms for the application. Once they sent it off, it can take anywhere between 8 weeks to 6 months - depending on whether your application Is complete. But you cannot apply online. It has to be on paper.
Cheers, Fyzzio
I a curently trying to sort my competency information out and wondered if you could help me with competency 7? what kinds of examples of evidence did you use?
Hello! Mr.Steve...hope this message finds you well. Firstly congratulations on ur reg..*cheers* =D even thou its an old post now even then great job there! Is there any possible way i could reach you quickly? ASAP.
Email/Skype ID :
Hi Steven,
Congrats on your registration. I am currently looking into my application however i have some concerns with work i did in Aus. Could i email you?
Thanks Jade
I am Priyanka and I have done my bachelors in Physiotherapy of 4 and half years in India. Currently I am studying Post graduation diploma course in Rehabilitation at AUT. I have the required score of IELTS as stated by Physio board, I do have my transcripts and curriculum. I am finding it difficult to write the competencies. Also I dont have work experience in NZ as a physio though I have been working as Volunteer Physio but am not sure should I put this in my CV for registration or not?
I need help as soon as possible.
my email id:
Hi Mr Steven!
I am a registered physiotherapist from Malaysia.
i went for interview from one of the physio centre in Auckland and yeap.. i passed the interview.
Not what's left for me is to complete and submit my PBNZ which i found quite complicated to fill in
before i can fly to new zealand and start working with them.
I filled up whichever that i have the details with me but some, i dont have any idea at all where to start with.
For example the competency part, treaty of waitangi report and the personal statements. i did try to do some but
i am still clueless whether i am doing it right or wrong. as for the CV, i tried to do it too but i dont know too..if
i am doing it right or wrong.
if you could provide me with some guidelines and sample, i will really appreciate it.
i really hope that i can email you in person too.
here is my email :
looking forward to hear from you soon..
warm regards,
Hello Sir Stan! I am also a Registered PT here in the Philippines. I would just like to ask you regarding with the application. Did you send all the documents needed in the application pack all at once by yourself? I find it confusing. It says in the site that the certificate of employment / work history should be sent by the referee.
Thank you,
Hi Ms. Mary and Mr. Stan,
I hope that both of you are well in this trying times.
I'm a registered PT here is the Philippines as well. I'd like know if our curriculum is similar to NZ physiotherapy? I'd like to submit an application as well.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Thank you,
Hi Steven,
Congrats for your successs.
I have started my process, but struggling with competencies.
Please help me, it could be a great help.
My email is