Hello, I am eline, a Dutch trained and registered physiotherapist. I have lived in new Zealnd for the last 2 years trying to gain regoistration. Now I need to provide the Board with evidence of my competence. A big part of that evidence consist of my learning objectives from my course. However, since my course was in Dutch, so is my curriulum.. I have spend quite some time translating but was hoping someone was able to help me by sedning me a english cpy of their curriculum and learning objectives they send in, so I can compare and copy paste this. My Uni will than print it of and sign and stamp it... If someone coudl help me that would be great.
Getting it translated by a service is nooption ofr me... the cost are riddiculus.
Already spend 3000 dollar and tehy quoted me for a incredible 20.000 dollar to do it all...
So if some one could help that would be soooo great.
Thanks already.
And hope to hear from you!
Kind regards,
Eline ([email protected])
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