Im so so so nearly there and just stuck on what evidence to provide for this competency 7.3
Could anyone please give me a little inspiration?????? please????
Any help at all whatsoever would be very much appreciated!!!
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Im so so so nearly there and just stuck on what evidence to provide for this competency 7.3
Could anyone please give me a little inspiration?????? please????
Any help at all whatsoever would be very much appreciated!!!
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I talked about how the NZ health care system parallels that of the UK as in the public health care is subsidised by the government and private health care paid for by the individual. I also talked about the types of physiotherapy services available i.e the acute and non-acute hospital settings, rehabilitation units, the community and private physiotherapy and again how this type of structure is similar to the UK.
I wrote about how I have developed and used other sources of assistance within my working environment (e.g. network of key people) from visiting clinics and departments outside my own in order to be aware of the services available and accessible, and my evidence was based upon the referrals I make to these services which was backed up by one of my letters of validation which mentioned how I effectively make referrals. I suppose you could also include a copy of a referral you have made?
Sorry if this sounds a waffly, but it worked for me...my registration just came through the door today!!! Good luck!!!
Hi Catherine,
Congrats on gaining registration. I will be putting my application in the post in two weeks time. How loong did it take for you to gain registration? I am a new grad physio and am not sure if i need HPC and CSP registration to send with my application. Do you know anything about this.
Physio t
Hi Physio t,
I would send CSP membership certificate and HPC registration/ letter of good standing. It confirms your efforts to oblige with legal and professional standards etc.
However, minimum for NZ registration is a 4yr BSc Physio or 3yr BSc with additional 1yr clinical practice (to make up for the fourth year). Have you got that?
Good luck,
Hi Physio t,
I agree with fyzzio - you should include certified copies of your HPC and CSP certificates as the more evidence you can provide the better - and they want a lot of evidence!!! If you are a recent graduate and did the 3 year or 2 year MSC (i.e with less that 12 months work experience) you might struggle to get registered as you need to have at least 12 months work experience in order to reach the same level as NZ graduates.
I started my portfolio in November and sent off my registration in February and only got confirmation of acceptance last week, so be warned that it can be a very lengthy process!!!
Good luck!
Thanks for the advice fyzzio and Cafra 23. I wiill include the CSp and HPC registration. I completed the four year degree so hopefully that will be sufficient experience. I was hoping that if i completed the application thoroughly that registration wouldn't take any longer than 10 weeks. I'm not sure about this now!!
hi all i am a physiotherapist from india and completing my registration process for NZ, can anybody tell me how to complete the competencies? i mean what should we do in it? there are so many things in it how can we answer it? if anybody who has got the registration can send me a copy of how they answered the competencies and how they made a portfolio. my email id is gnga_anand@yahoo.co.in. plz help...
Last edited by ganga.gnga; 17-07-2008 at 05:03 PM. Reason: want to add more information
I completed the process a few years ago now, but for that competency I recall writing a bit of an essay about the NZ health system and how it works, demonstrating your understanding of the system (easily researched online). I included it in my evidence to that competency and didn't have a problem!
From sending my application off, I received registration just under 8 weeks later (just under the minimum time they say it takes to process!). So if your application is complete and contains all the evidence you need they do process it relatively quickly...but that was a few years ago!
Good luck
Hi all,
I have no idea how to set up a new thread sooo, have decided to add myself to the end of this one... sorry!!
I am a newly qualified (4 year degree) student and am in the middle of registering. I happened upon this website, quite by chance, but am very glad I did now.
I have been intrigued by what has been written about the NZ agencies, but to be fair, I am not surprised. With the contact I have had from a particular agency I was given a sample of what is expected in a portfolio? It was 26 pages long minus of courses letters etc.
Having looked at a few threads I have started to query this type of portfolio. Basically in competency 1, I have written about a combination of uni based learning and clinical placements for each core area of physiotherapy. The experience I have attained therefrom and have added in the letters of validation (from my lecturers?) degree syllabus (all modules) and Evidence (presentations etc). Obviously because i`m only newly qualified I can`t add CPD etc.
Am I going a long the right lines? Or, am I miles off? I have a bout an A4 page of writing (essay format, rather than bullet points), is this ok, or should I be answering every single 'learning objective' and 'indicator'.
Would much appreciate any advice on this please.
Ok firstly I wish to point out that CPD does not begin after you graduate. It is an ongoing process that you will have been engaging in throughout your undergraduate career and will continue to do so after you graduate. To think you cannot include this will most likely fail your registration application as it specifically states you must include this area.
Think of incidents whereby you can reflect upon, IST sessions you attended during your placements, any patients that particularly made an impact on your practice etc..... the list is endless. This all counts as CPD, along with learning contracts etc etc.
I strongly advise you look on the board website also for the FAQs, and registration form....there is SOOOOOOOO much useful stuff in there to base the foundation of your application.
I wrote mine in quite a lengthy way so it took ages, and will probably take ages to go through (sent it off a month ago and have only just heard that they received it).
However if you have any specfic questions feel free to email me and ill do my best! email addy is daisymaycollins@hotmail.co.uk
Hope this helps!
can anybody send me a copy of competencies for NZ physio regsitration...
Just go to the website of the NZ Physiotherapy Board.