Hello all,

My wife and I miss the UK, and would like to move to the south coast (Brighton vs Southampton vs another area I haven't discovered). I trained in Scotland so am aware of the requirements to work in the UK but am currently working in Geneva, Switzerland.

As I have very little experience in the region, this thread will hopefully elucidate what cities have the best job prospects, salaries, etc.

So, my questions are the following:

1. Brighton or Southampton? Or is there another place that I've missed in the south that would be worthwhile looking into? Is London too far as a daily commute?
2. NHS or private? A very frequent question, and I've read a ton of information, but I still don't really know which is better.
3. What is the typical salary for a physio with 5-10 years experience in public/private?
4. Any other suggestions given my above objective of moving back to the UK?

Thanks in advance for your advice and suggestions.

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