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    Is there physio work in the UK????

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job
    I'm an Australian physiotherapist who is looking at going to work in the UK. Of the recruitment agents that I have spoken to they have told me that physios are fighting for locum jobs over there (even fighting over physio assistant jobs!). A recruitment company is even closing it books. Another is not accepting candidates unless they have 5+ yrs experience.

    I am HPC registered but am hesitating about going over there as I do not want to be unemployed particularly due to the high cost of living, the expense of getting there and giving up my job here.

    I have almost 2 years experience in private practice and close to 1 year of general hospital experience (rehab, orthopaedics, geriatrics, acute, medical, surgical). Does anyone know how employable I would be or am I kidding myself expecting to be able to find work there!

    Thanks for any advice!!!!

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  2. #2
    The situation here is really not very funny, and it does not seem to get better. If i were u, i'd stay in Australia. NHS- crap, new grads struggling to get a junior post etc.
    I graduated 2 months ago with MSc in Poland, need to save some money and off i go to US.

    Good luck,

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    I would suggest that as you already have HOC registration you can apply directly for a UK job using PhysioBob's Jobs, www.physiobob.com, and you can even conduct a phone interview if required. That way you can organise the job before you leave and make it direct with the employer.

    You are correct in that with under 5 years experience in the private sector jobs are hard to come by. Up to 95% of this years graduates don't have jobs! This is laregly due to BUPA restrictions in the private arena and therefore the lack of new grad positions opening up in the limited NHS.

  4. #4

    work with a few yrs experience

    I understand that working in the private sector you really need to have about 5 years experience and that most new graduates are unemployed because there are no positions. But how about with my situation, I am in my 3rd year post graduation - is there an NHS job shortage for people with my experience as well or should I expect to be able to find work?

    Thanks again!

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    Re: work with a few yrs experience

    As the private guys are not hiring people with less than 5 years experience, the NHS physios are therefore not leaving. Hence there are no positions opening up within the NHS and when they do there are several thousand UK physios applying for them!

    So I would apply and get it organsied from Aus before you leave. Blame the BUPA insurance company.

  6. #6

    locum work

    Thanks physiobase. That gives me a clearer picture. I was hoping to do locum work - recruitment companies have told me I really need to be in the UK so I'm available when something comes up. This could turn out to be very expensive if I can't get work. I wasn't planning on finding permanent work initially but what is the picture like with locum work - is it even harder to find?

  7. #7
    i am in the exact same position as you currently in my third year out...is there no jobs at all in the UK?? what if you were travel down south (i.e. bournemouth) do the jobs increase the further away from london you travel, or is it worse??

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    Re: locum work

    It is really boiling down to the 5 yr issue. Locum work is there but all the non-employed pt's are looking for anything so that puts them in the pot. You will see you can definately apply for locum work from Aus. There is usually a lead time of 4-6 weeks so get registered with the HPC, get CSP membership then start applying from Aus. Once here in your first job you can put the feelers out or use PhysioBob's Jobs to find more as you go along.

  9. #9
    Very appreciative of your replies! Thank you. Is CSP membership a requirement to work in the UK?

  10. #10
    yes, csp and hpc

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    This last reply is somewhat incorrect. CSP registration is not compulsory although as in many countries it is the cheapest place to get Professional Indemnity insurance. This is included in the membership so it is in fact something everyone does, but technically it is not mandatory as you can buy insurance elsewhere if you like.

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    Longevity of the work crisis?

    Is there any word on when the work situation in the UK may improve?

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    Longevity of crisis?

    Is there any word on how long there will be a physio job crisis in the UK? Can we expect improvements in the near future?

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    Technically CSP is NOT a requirement. It is advisable though as it is the only cheap way to buy your PI insurance as it is included with the membership.

    This is of course a monopoly but it is why 99% of physios are members of the CSP. Were there another option then perhaps this number might be less, especially in the dismayed private practice arena.

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    Go work in Ireland - rego takes about 3 mths, get working hol visa, and lots of private practice work around.
    I have been over there for a couple of years from oz, and never short of work, don't know why people would even consider UK at the moment

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    Re: Is there physio work in the UK????

    Has there been any change in the UK job market? Would a physiotherapist with 2 years experience be able to find work?


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    Re: Is there physio work in the UK????

    hiiiiiiii, have you been successful now?
    I am a physio from Germany and I am surprised and the maximum of fed up abt hpc registration. A nightmare with no comparison... Uta

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    Re: Is there physio work in the UK????

    Personally considering the terrible physio job market in the UK at the moment for the junior levels it's no wonder they are prefering to take UK nationals- you can't blame them for that!

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    Re: Is there physio work in the UK????

    Can´t blame?????
    Of course they need to be blamed!!!!
    If there ain´t enough jobs the hpc can announce that they ar not able to register new foreigner physio´s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! They keep the good staff waiting in front of the door , left with the hope to get the number! Thats not fair at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And that foreigners pay lots!!! of money for being ekpt waiting or refused!!!
    I do understand if there is not enough work!! Or that the jobs are wanted for uk citizens, but to say the regist. takes 5month and to vomit wrong estimates abt the level from oversea is more than mean!!!!

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    Re: Is there physio work in the UK????

    I understand you're complaints about how long it takes to get registered, but it's the same in lots of other countries- I know people waiting to go to Canada and have been told it will take 6 months to even get thier degree's approved, never mind the exams they have to take! Unfortunatley every country has a different process and they take as little as 4 weeks to 6 months, every country is different, it's just one of those things I guess the current jobs crisis in the UK is also making matters worse, the CSP I believe are working hard to sort it out for UK graduates so sorry if you think Im being mean by saying what I said, I live here and probably won't be able to get a job here for a long, long time (if at all) so forgive me if I sound a bit harsh!

    Out of interest do you have to sit any exams to work in the UK??? I would be interested to hear if and how much it will cost to do that as I'm probably going to have to do the opposite and sit exams and spend thousands to work abroad as there is no work here...!

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    Re: Is there physio work in the UK????

    Hi Oscar,
    thx for your lines. Wasn´t harsh at all!
    I understand you very good. And understand everybody who is worried abt the own well paid jobs!!
    But where is the problem to cancel e.g. for 3 or more years any registration from foreigners to protect your own ppl?? Why isn´t it possible to go that way?
    Then I would cut off my hope, save breath and a lot!!!! of money, documents, phonings and I wouldn´t rise the fear of other UK physios.
    That would be fair.
    But HPC denied to act in the interest of their own landsmen. And the level for somebody who worked in Germany in an Olympic Centre is certainly not under the average of England.
    Oscar, I do not want a job for the sake of another English physio!! But I ´d like to get clear words of truth from that "independent" institution.

    Exams are not further required. Just placements to work in even though I have about 20 small years :0) already...
    I have to catch up a research course thats justified I think!
    Oscar, have you got the Bachelor in Sc??
    Do you like Germany?
    I never had problems to get a job there despite my "only" diploma... And I had very good jobs there. If you need help or are interested in I may send you more info´s.
    Feel free to contact me :0)
    Happy Easter!!!!

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    Re: Is there physio work in the UK????

    That's a kind offer but I don't speak a word of German!

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    Re: Is there physio work in the UK????


    As an EC citizen with a professional qualification you have the right to apply for work in the UK and any attempt to deny you this would, I suspect, be illegal.

    The interesting thing about this whole debate is that there are some promoted posts for Physios in the UK but virtually nothing for the newly qualified.

    The situation has come about because:-

    -when they expanded the training numbers here, they failed to realise that the need was for well-qualified staff
    -under the new pay arrangements introduced last year, as far as I can gather, the money set aside to expand physiotherapy services was raided to cover the salary rises granted to doctors and consultants.

    Ein ganz schoener Unsinn also!

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    Re: Is there physio work in the UK????

    can anybody tell how to apply for the jobs from the physioforum.
    please reply as soon as you get this msg.
    have a nice time.........

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    Re: Is there physio work in the UK????

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job
    Hi Cadenz :0)
    just read your message.
    I´m a physio from Germany without uni and master qualif. I am well trained and worked at last in an Olympic Centre in Germany for the National Team.
    My experience has got 21 years and I can claim being a very good one.
    Did pay lots of money for the HPC with the result of being kept waiting for ages and the request of 16weeks placement under supervision of physio´s who didn´t even undress their patients for assesment and treatment! This placement aren´t existent and I think the HPC likes to get money but is afraid of more physio´s especially from abroad. Its known that 70% of the graduate won´t get a job and the physio assistant jobs are rare as well.
    If I were you I would keep my fingers of England as from a hot fire!!!!!!
    England is an iland fullllllll of foreigners and does not fancy even more!!!!!
    This situation might change in a few years but for the moment its awfull.
    I wish you the best and if you want to contact me then try [email protected].

    God bless you in the best job on earth!!

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