If there is anyone from ex. Yugoslavia working in UK or from the other countries, that had to pass HPC registration, pls give me some advice. You can also contact me by e-mal: tciglenecki@kbd.hr
Thanks a lot
Hello colleagues.
I am trying to register with HPC these days and I need some advice.
Our education is a bit different in Croatia, we have lots of theoretical and some practical hours study during 2 years education course. After that we become senior physiotherapist but we are not indenpendent yet. After these 2 years we have to obtain supervised clinical practice for one year (in some of University hospitals), which would be approximately 2080 hours. After that we have to pass an exam in front of professional council ( Ministry of health). When we pass that exam we become independant. I would like to ask if anybody know is it the sam or simillar to 1000 hours of clinical practice that is needed to obtain in the UK.
Thanks for help
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If there is anyone from ex. Yugoslavia working in UK or from the other countries, that had to pass HPC registration, pls give me some advice. You can also contact me by e-mal: tciglenecki@kbd.hr
Thanks a lot
You should contact the HPC vai their website, because no one will be able to help you. I can give you though some information: Since yougoslavia is not EU it is unlikely that your study is according to EU standards. HPC will request you to do some form of study in the UK to show your abilities (£500 for university) Then you require a placement in an hospital, and junior physiotherapists in UK might already struglle to find a place and if you have not been able to sort this out within 2 years you can start all over again.This information I gathered from a physiotherapist from Tjechia who has been here for 4 years and still isn't alowed to practice. Good luck, contact the HPC and see what they have in store for you.
even i'm gonna apply to hpc .our curriculum in india is 4.5yrs.if u r seriously intrested in physiotherapy ,i 'd advice u to study further to meet the standards.i really have no idea about what hpc demands but as a physio, i feel 2yrs are not sufficient to be a professional physio.i think every physio agrees with me.its only what we feel, hpc has its own ways to decide and i dont know how it makes its decisions but it's really worth to study further.
To study physio is study the mind of God
wish u good luck