Hi Guys,

Ive finally passed the NPTE in July this year and have my Type 1 cert from the FCCPT

I used the PLAN service as its the best way to know EXACTLY what they want.

The reason for this post is to sell some materials that i used.

I have a copy of

Therapy ED O'sullivan and Siegelman 2010 with CD (3 practice exams)
Scorebuilders 2010 PTExam complete study guide with CD (3 practice exams)

To get my FCCPT cleared i used and took exams in these

CLEP books with CD's: Intro psych, human growth and develop, natural sciences, biology, social sciences and history, chemistry, college maths,
as well as a intro psych book not by clep for general info

Id be happy to strike a deal for the lot or for the majority but willing to discuss offers..

Thanks, James

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