Hello all,
So I have found some very daunting posts related to being able to practice in the US that are quite scary about the process. I hear there
is a lot to do in regards to having transferring your credentials to the US.
I am a Canadian who plans on going to Australia to study Physiotherapy. Right now, I am thinking it would be best to go for a DPT instead of a MPT because I feel that may help in the credential evaluation. Is this true?
I would really appreciate advice from people who have been through the process on what I can do to avoid confusion and headache down the road. What should I do now and in the next few years to make the licensure process for the US as easy as possible. In particular I am interested in the state of Maryland. I hear a lot about Gen Ed courses (Physics and Chem) which I have not taken in undergrad. Should I do these before the move to Australia?
Thank you so much in advance.
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