i have seen all ur quotes.i am expecting some suggestions from u.iam in big confusion.mine is big story.sorry if i am giving any trouble.please give me any suggestions. i am trying for job in singapore.basically i am an indian.i have finished my bachelors in physiotherapy in india,2006.i am a member of indian association of physiotherapists.i have worked for 2yrs as a physiotherapist in rehabilitation centre,india.i have finished postgraduation diploma in geriatric care too.then i have joined in masters in publichealth in UK university.i have joined in that course with out knowing anything.its entirely diiferent from our physiotherapy. even education system in UK also entirely different from indian education system.so i have not complete the course.i got only postgraduation certificate in publichealth.i have applied for singapore physiotherapy association.they evaluated my certificate and result is i have to give for health and safety test.i am applying everyday so many jobs.i am not getting any response.i have seen diploma courses in singapore general hospital.if we take that course they are assuring 95%pass result in QE.but this course is very expensive.i heard that from 2010 they are going to change the rules that singapore and non singaporeans should give the QE to practice there.i cant go back to my home country and i cant stay in UK.my visa is going to expire by 2010july.i am trying for assistant physiotherapy jobs.please give me suggestions like how to approach and is it better to come over there to search for a job on social visit pass.please help me.sorry for this big letter. thank you my mail id is physiosrinivas@yahoo.co.in