Here's an opportunity to explore and experience the amazing country of Ethiopia - while sharing your advanced physiotherapy knowledge and skills! Gondar University in northern Ethiopia began a new MSC (physiotherapy) course last month, but need short-term tutors to teach specific topics (especially paediatrics). Here's some more details from Joanna Griffin, who helped establish the course:
The university is specifying that tutors must themselves have a Masters degree (or a minimum of two years postgraduate education if they don't have a full Masters). This DOES NOT have to be in physiotherapy. They must also have a min of 5 years clinical physiotherapy experience in their respective field. Each tutor will be required for between 4 and 8 weeks (depending on the module) at some point between February 2011 and February 2012 (again depending on the module). The four areas are musculoskeletal, paediatric, neurological and trauma and orthopaedic PT. They will be paid an expatriate salary pro rata (around 1200 USD per month) and will be provided with accomodation although they will need to pay for this. They will also have one flight paid for but will need to pay a one way journey themselves. These are the T&C which have been agreed with the university. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please pass on my email address ( and I can then correspond with them.

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