I just looked around for you, but it's hard to get something in Zimbabwe, Mozambique or Zambia.
I wanted to go there aswel, but I could't find work.
Now I work part time as a social worker (in Holland). And for a company that makes skin creams.
Does anyone have any information on working in Zimbabwe, Mozambique or Zambia. I am a UK qualified physio and want to find out information on what I would need to do in order to be able to practise in these countries. Thanks
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I just looked around for you, but it's hard to get something in Zimbabwe, Mozambique or Zambia.
I wanted to go there aswel, but I could't find work.
Now I work part time as a social worker (in Holland). And for a company that makes skin creams.
Hi, having been born and raised in Zambia and knowing what the living conditions are like I would steer well clear especialy if you have family.
I left there when to visit family in the next town we had to travel in convoy and have military escort.
here, a good link for work and travel all around the world : Adventure Travel Jobs, Working Abroad and Volunteer Opportunities