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  1. #1
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    Job opportunities for two experienced Physiotherapists looking for work in New Zealand and Australia

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job

    My boyfriend and myself are heading over to New Zealand in January 2013 and then Australia in September the year after (or potentially the other way around depending on jobs!), we are very keen to get work out there and wondered if anyone is already over there or currently looking and could give us more of an idea of what our potential options would be?

    I am a Physiotherapist wth 6 years experience in both NHS and private sector and have specialised in MSK for the past four years, and I have also trained in acupuncture and Pilates, my boyfriend has 8 years experience in a similar field but has been working in professional ruby for the past 2 years.

    Any advice would be appreciated

    Thanks Annie

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  2. #2
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    Re: Job opportunities for two experienced Physiotherapists looking for work in New Zealand and Australia

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job
    your question is a little difficult to answer...
    Speaking for NZ:
    I don't think it depends so much on potential (Physios with MSK experience, Acupuncture and Pilates are in the majority here and as for Rugby ....), as far more on the job situation. And who knows, what that's going to be like next year.
    Also, timing is an issue. Our students finish uni in December, so there will be approx. 200 new grads looking for jobs in January. Now, I know that you are in a different league, but NZ is a small country.
    If you check the job search websites (e.g. seek; TradeMe; all DHBs [similar to NHS]), for Jan/ Feb there are about 20 jobs for the whole of NZ advertised, incl. part-time jobs. That's not a lot .... and the job situation has been terrible over the last 2 years.

    And then there is the fact, that there is two of you, which automatically might exclude all smaller or medium size towns.

    I would start looking a little closer to the time, like October.
    Nothing is impossible.
    Good luck,

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