nirajsachdev (18-09-2013)
Hi all, I am the parent of a 6 year old little boy who has Elhers Danloes hypermobility syndrome. We live in a large 7 bedroom house in Ireland with our 2 children and 2 dogs, approximatley 15-20 minutes from Cork City. We would like to offer free accomodation for a physiotherapist in exchange for approximatley an hour a day of therapy (number of days open to negotiation) for our son and I, as I have osteoarthritis. This arrangement may suit a final year student or qualified physiotherapist who wants to experience life in Ireland for a few months or who is looking for other employment in Ireland. Please feel free to contact me for any further information on either 0035387 4182552 or [email protected]. Looking forward to hearing from you! Deirdre.
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