I would love some career advice from anyone who has worked abroad. I spent 3 yrs working in the Uk and was relocatd to the US with my husbands job. I could not register as aPT so I retrained as a PIlates instructor and specialised in treating people with MS injuries. Just as the business was taking off and my 3 children were getting older and near school agel, we moved country.
Once in our new country I registered as a Physio, started work asap but could not pay for child care with salary plus there was no training and I could not afford to do extra courses. I had a selection of patients that just did not get any better because the length of rx was inadequate. Due to the immense stress of trying to run a family, speak a new language, regain skills I had not used in 7 years and no support from staff, I quit my job. I now do not know if I can go back to physio. I still believe in the profession but am finding it hard to find a career path. I am looking in to joining a mutinational company instead but I still can't put my physio books away! Any one have some advice on my predicament. IN theory we will not be relocation again. It just feels like my confidence is rock bottom. Any thoughts

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