Hi there,
I've heard this phrase being attached to a patient who was due for chest physio but "due to him being on ICP, we cannot see him".
Does anyone know what this means?
Thanks in advance,
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Hi there,
I've heard this phrase being attached to a patient who was due for chest physio but "due to him being on ICP, we cannot see him".
Does anyone know what this means?
Thanks in advance,
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are you sure that you repeated exactly what was said?
We use ICP for:
a) [as you know] Intracranial pressure: in this case, whoever made the statement would have said "due to him having increased/ raised ICP, we cannot see him"
b) Immuno-Compromised patient: in this case, whoever made the statement would have said "due to him being an ICP, we cannot see him"
Does this make sense?
I have not heard of ICP being used as an abbreviation for a 'treatment', but there might be special procedures where you work, or special therapeutic approaches.
What makes me wonder far more though is the fact that you are happy to post this question in an international Physio forum, where you could have asked the person making the statement straight away.Next time, aye?
Thanks Fyzzio, i'd never heard of option B being used for that abbreviation. As per asking the person involved, I'd missed so many chances to ask them that it was starting to get a little embarrassing.I've since asked someone and its regarded as an integrated care pathway.
Usually this is attributed to a patient that has a plan set out for them from the MDT, but apparently can also mean for a very ill patient that they are no longer for active treatment and are now on palliative care.
Thanks for your reply though, its much appreciated:-)
... aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh ....and its regarded as an integrated care pathway
I should have known that. We also use it, but I must have suffered from tunnel vision and just thought about patient presentations.
Thanks for that!!!!
Yes it does mean Integrated Care Pathway. In particular, it should be LICP being the Liverpool Integrated Care Pathway (also known as Care of the Dying), which is widely accepted as the most comfortable end of life senario. It doesnt however completely preclude physio. Although no active treatment is to be given, comfort is important therefore physio is often involved with the recommendation of hyacine patches (the patient should already be prescribed as part of the pathway) and if secretions are increasingly deteriorating end of life quality, then suction only
Nice to know the terms used in different regions... Palliative care best describes pts status.We do use the terms like DIL/DNR(do not Resusc) in Singapore. ICP=Immuno compramised patient, is something i get to know today! Appreciate it!