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it depends on the stage/days post op
early rehab (Day 1-3) can consist of the following regimen (if medically stable):
-ambulation as tolerated
-advice/reiteration on contraindications e.g. no lifting weights above a few kilos for 6 weeks to protect the sternum (if it was cut open for the surgery)
-ROM exercises for the upper limb to protect from post-surgical shoulder stiffness (probably Day 2 onwards)
-a simple group exercise program for patients to interact and give them an excuse to exercise more - also puts in place the 'mentality' required for exercise earlier on (Day 2 onwards)
-the current literature supports mainly ambulation without the need for deep breathing exercises in straightforward cases in preventing post-operative pulmonary complications, although breathing exercises and adjuncts for sputum clearance/oxygenation is warranted if indicated.
formal cardiac rehabilitation should commence some time after discharge (depending on the waiting list) with the aim of returning to pre-surgical fitness and/or a functional level (depending on age)