I think that it is better to do free exercises as long as the patient can tolerate.But before the start of Exercise we need to make sure that it is a slow AF and not fast AF.In case of Fast AF we need to wait till the AF becomes slow.I want to emphasise here that All patients with AF have to be strictly monitored before ,during and after exercise as some times the slow AF can become FAST and uncontrollable.The better time will be to begin half an hour after their medication.
It is also advisable to chek for the resting and peak heart rate before following a exercise plan.
If the AF is secondary to VALVE repalcement ,precaution has to be taken not to put too much strain to the pectoral muscles in the acute post operative phase.
In general all isometrics have to be avoided in cardiac patients.regarding the resisted exercises using weights ,i prefer to incorporate simple aerobics and free exercises as the goal is primarily to improve endurance and not strength.