with my experience,Ultrasound or Laser can give.In acute stage,I apply taping or elbow guard and static exercises to elbow extensors .In chronic case we give stretching.
What would be the best course of treatment for someone with this diagnosis?
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with my experience,Ultrasound or Laser can give.In acute stage,I apply taping or elbow guard and static exercises to elbow extensors .In chronic case we give stretching.
The most important item here to give proper intructions for the patinet during his daily activities at home,work,street,....
Avoidance of aggrivating factors is #1. Then stretching the forearm extensors. Clear the Cx and radial n. glide. Use taping, ice, ultrasound - whatever you like to help decrease the inflammation. Start a graded eccentric exercise program to build up the muscles such that they are strong enough to handle the activity which initially bought it on.
Search Vincenzino - he's got some brilliant articles ontennis elbow. Especially the Masterclass from Manual Therapy.