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  1. #1

    Should National Bodies force CPD on their members just to make money??

    Should CPD be an initiative of National health departments rather than National PT Associations? I feel it should be the registration boards who manage these initiatives and they should not allow the National Associations to use the whole exercise as a revenue making vehicle? Please comment

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  2. #2

    re: test private forum

    OK what's the homework?

  3. #3
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    re: Should National Bodies force CPD on their members just to make money??

    I agree - it should be a condition of annual registration OR an expectation of employers that needs to be met for ongoing employment........but the silliness of it is this: I know of PTs who attend 6-10 courses a year , but never practise any learned material, and continue with outdated++ concepts. So what's the point??

  4. #4

    re: Should National Bodies force CPD on their members just to make money??

    Should the APA (Australian Physio Association) be able to charge additional fees for advertising courses that carry their APA endorsement and then say that becasue of that they are worth double the CPD courses of other prominent clinicians, the likes of Francine St.George or Barb Hungerford. Surely it is within their mandate to charge for the endorsement but not to in anyway manipulate the CPD points awarded in repect of the endorsement. This is simply placing a tax on the profession!! Any views from Australia, I am in the UK, but have been very unhappy to hear about this practice.

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