I am an occupational therapy student. I am writing a paper on Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). It is so difficult for me to find someone to that have this syndrome to interview. I would be extremely appreciative if anyone with CRPS or RSD can answer these questions for me so I can write my report. Thanks so much for your time and help. I just want to let you know, your information will be for educational purposes. If you don’t want to leave your name, just put you initial.
1. Your name or initial:
2. You have type 1 or type 2 RSD?
3. What symptoms do you have? explain
4. How RSD affect your daily activities? Explain a-g
a) Dressing
b) Cooking and eating
c) Sleeping
d) Working
e) Social participation
f) School (if you are going to school)
g) Leisure activities
5. What types of treatment did you received? Explain a-c or others
a) Medications
b) Occupational therapy
c) Exercise training
6. Do you use any adaptive device such as a splint? Or anything else—explain
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