ooopss i forgot one more book:
3)Cameron and Monroe- Physical Rehabilitation, Saunders 2007.
Now i am done
i throw again the ball about suggestions on rehabilitation books!
After viewing reviews on specific books on REHABILITATION and INTERVENTION mostly (and less on ASSESSMENT) i would like the opinion of yours about the following texts...
1)Brotzman and Wilk- Clinical orthopaedic rehabilitation, Mosby 2003
2)Brotzman and Wilk- Handbook of orthopaedic rehabilitation, Mosby 2007
P.s. The most important for me is that if anyone owns both books to clarify what the true differences are between them because i couldnt figure it out checking all possible reviews on the web! And of course they are not the SAME book re-published
Any suggestion is welcomed!
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ooopss i forgot one more book:
3)Cameron and Monroe- Physical Rehabilitation, Saunders 2007.
Now i am done
The new features to that second edition of are:
Clinical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation, 2nd Edition Copyright 2003
Note as it was printed in 2003 it is now out of normal print with Elsevier and is now a print to order only title. That means it takes about a month for the order with them to get printed should you want a new copy.
New to this Edition (in respect of the first edition) - 672 pages
- Presents fresh perspectives from a new co-editor, renowned physical therapist Kevin Wilk, PT.
- Features comprehensive coverage of hot topics such as hamstring injuries · strains and contusions of the quadriceps · groin pain · aquatic therapy for injured athletes · running injuries · shin splints in runners · returning to sports after concussions · osteoporosis · and more.
Handbook of Orthopaedic Rehabilitation, 2nd Edition
This is considered just that, a Handbook or quick reference.
Key Features - 848 pages
- Differential diagnosis included at the beginning of each chapter for quick and accurate diagnosis of musculoskeletal conditions
- Assess a body joint's range quickly with the regional assessment boxes in every chapter
- Find information easily with new portrait oriented rehabilitation protocols
Physical Rehabilitation - Evidence-Based Examination, Evaluation, and Intervention
Key Features
- In-depth, evidence-based coverage of more key content areas than any other rehabilitation resource of its kind, including orthopedics, neurology, and wound management, ensures a comprehensive understanding of rehabilitation supported by the latest clinical research.
- More than 65 case studies present a problem-based approach to rehabilitation and detail practical, real-world applications.
- Over 600 full-color illustrations clarify concepts and techniques.
- A FREE companion CD prepares you for practice with printable examination forms and reference lists from the text linked to Medline abstracts and reinforces understanding through interactive boards-style review questions, and vocabulary-building exercises.
I don't have either personally but we do sell the more recent one's on The Physio Shop at 10% discount.
Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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thanks for your reply ...bossbut even though u dont own some of these books, could u suggest the first book (CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDIC REHABILITATION) to someone who is treating more often orthopedic patients??? I mean the book by Cameron (PHYSICAL REHABILITATION) is more "generalized" and it might be not so specific in what i am lookin for.....It is though more up-to-date (2007 publication) than the first-mentioned (2003 publication)
thanx again for any correspondence
The both complement each other but that said I would perhaps pick the handbook first and once you have a grasp on the concepts in there then the other title, which has case studies, would be most appropriate as a next addition to your library
Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
Chartered Physiotherapist & Member of the CSP
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My goal has always to be to get the global physiotherapy community talking & exchanging ideas on an open platform
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so in general u recommend the last 2 books(according to the order u gave) which are more up-to-date,right??
Right, you got it. The last two, the handbook first.
Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
Chartered Physiotherapist & Member of the CSP
Member of Physio First (Chartered Physio's in Private Practice)
Member Australian Physiotherapy Association
Founder 1996 | | This Forum | The PhysioLive Network | Physiosure |
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My goal has always to be to get the global physiotherapy community talking & exchanging ideas on an open platform
Importantly to help clients to be empowered and seek a proactive & preventative approach to health
To actively seek to develop a sustainable alternative to the evils of Private Medical Care / Insurance
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ok physiobob...thanx a lot!
see ya
well there are fresh news...I have sent e-mail to Elsevier publications about the first-mentioned book "CLINICAL ORTHOPEDIC REHABILITATION" by Brotzman and Wilk and i was told that the new edition is planned at March 2011..that means in a year from now...I think its better after all to by the "handbook" and then wait for the fresh copy in 13 months (hope that the world will not have been devasted by any asteroid..)
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Hey all, I actually need some books and now I got a huge list of good books here and I must say thanks for sorting me out.
If I find some few more books with latest edition I will do let you all know.
Thanks again
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