hi everyone,
im a 3rd year physio student in dublin, i have to choose a topic as an elective for a research proposal any help or tips would be greatlt apprecciated.
thanks in advance.
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how about investigating the effects of central sensitisation of the nervous system caused by arthrogenic dysfunction and its relationship with severe night cramps.
i have noticed during my work that people who report severe night crampsin their hamstrings seem to always have stiff lumbar joints. i believe that stiffness of thefacet joints causes neurological alterations that increase the sensitivity of muscle spindles inthe lower limb muscles. this results in cramping as a response to stretch of the muscle spindle.
i have also been able to consistently reproduce cramping with certain positions when reassessng patients. but with treatment the positions that cause cramping will reduce in intensity and frequency until they do not elicit any further cramping.
also i have noticed that when the patietn returns for another treatment session they have reported a decrease in the frequency and intensity of night cramps without any other treatment of medication changes. i have cured severe night cramps in indivduals who have had an extensive history of recurrent night cramps