Thanks to you all for this website. I will try to keep my post as short as is poss. I have had Anterior/Posterior Cruciate recnostuction on both knees 20 years ago. Lots of cartliadge op's as well. Had a couple of medial ligament injuries as well. My knees have gradually got worse. I also have some arhtiritis in the knees. I am now suffering really quite badly. The problems I am suffering is that when I walk the knees will jar. When I cross my legs then extend I get a pain on the inside of both knees. Lateral movement not great either. I was told that at sometime I would have to have the knees replaces. At 42 and with 4 young kids this is not an option at the moment. My only exercise is golf but when I play I get the problems as above and also an hour our so after finishing I am in agony. Can anyone suggest a knee brace that I can wear for golf and normal use. The problems have woresend over the last year when playing more golf but also I can take a little step when walking down the stairs and my knees jar.

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