Hi to everyone

Just wondering of anyone knows of the best way of becoming trained up in traditional Acupuncuture/TCM in Australia? At present there is very little available for physiotherapists to be trained in this area, I think due to the fact that our board will be going through a massive revamp etc. This is amazing considering our legal act states that we are acupuncturists.

However I want to move to TCM/Acupuncture and this is at present is proving almost impossible as I do not want to do another undergrad. Adv Dip's are excessive in price and also often are not very flexible. I work fulltime and hence a course that is very distance ed based is really the only way (obviously there would be some practical component).

I just found out that SCU dropped there Masters course, only other option is RMIT but there course requires 4x5 intensive workshops a year, for 3 yrs, and I don't really like the idea of that either.

Anyone on the inside with some knowledge would be greatly appreciated, however I doubt I will really be able to get to the bottom of this


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