About 6 weeks ago I stupidly twisted both my ankles at a party very badly.
I couldnt walk for about 2 weeks so rested and used ice to reduce the swelling which it did.
I twisted both by putting weight on the inside of the foot.

I assumed the swelling on both would go down itself but it only has to a point and seems to be a constant swelled size since.
I played football once or twice after this and they swelled up again. The same happens if i walklong distances.

I went to the doctor and she confirmed that nothing was broken but that i would need physio to reduce the swelling and strengthen the ankle. She also prescribed me some ibuprofen to reduce the swelling.
The problem is the waiting list for physio is 8 weeks and I really cant wait that long without doing anything.

Any techniques or exercise anyone can suggest help reduce the swelling and get them back to there normal size would be very much appreciated.
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