dont know if im in the right place for this but here goes,id just like some advice on physio,il lmake it as short as possible, i am under two consultant at the moment,rhemetology (sorry on spelling) he has said i have a narrowing of c6 and c7 in my neck there is nothing he can do for me and has told me when it plays up(all the time) to rest it as much as possibe, i went to see my other consultant yesterday about the trapped nerves i have under my shoulder blades which basicly he has said ive got them due to not enough exercise (im not gonna start an argument with this i know im very active) he wants me to start pysio right away to try and stop the pains im getting,i did mention to him i have other problems with my neck which make me hold my shoulders high and i also get alot of pain from them,he is not an english doctor and i really dont think he understood my concerns about the exercise he wants me to do, i told him about my pains but i think that he thinks the pains i get are from the trapped nerves which there not there from the neck problem i have had for 3 yrs, the exercise he wants me to do involves me pulling my head with my hand as far as i can to the right while relaxing my other hand as much as possible i have done this twice now and the pain i get between my shoulder blades is like ive been stabbed,i am so worried that the exercise is causing more problems for my neck problem,which already traps my nerves and sometimes i lose the feelings in my legs (only for seconds),i tried to tell him this but i think he only thinks i get pains for the problem im seeing him for, and my other consultant has told me to rest my neck as much as i possibly can so i really dont know what to do or who to ask what i should do,thanks for any help
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