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Thread: Help Needed.

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    Help Needed.

    Hey guys. I have just recently decided that I want to become a physiotherapist specializing in sports injuries. Only problem is I have no idea how to go about doing this. I am 21 years old and did not have the best marks in high school. I'm looking for any advice on courses to take or programs to go into to get me started on my path to becoming a physiotherapist. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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    Re: Help Needed.

    As I am not from Canada, take what I say with a grain of salt and seek advice from the schools of physiotherapy who run the programmes

    Here is a list of programmes.

    Canadian Physiotherapy Association - Physiotherapy, It'll Move You

    Physiotherapy is now a Masters degree in Canada. You need to complete a bachelors degree first.

    Seeing you didn't get very good marks this can work to your advantage. What you need to d is undertake a bachelors degree in a relevant subject (eg exercise science, or kinesiology). As physiotherapy is very competitive you will need to get good marks in your undergraduate degree, probably the better you marks the greater your chances.

    Many post graduate entry level programmes have "preferred pathways" - degree subjects and degree programmes they ideally want you to do. so this is something to discuss with the programmes you hope to apply for. This should be the main determinant of subjects in your undergraduate degree.

    The Masters programmes can usually be completed in just over 2 years. However at this level programmes are compressed and very hard work- what might have taken an undergraduate to complete in almost twice the amount of time. The advantage of this is that it reduces the training time and you are out there in the real world earning money earlier. But you are very much selected based on demonstrated learning abilities in your undergraduate ed.

    With the marks it is important that you "know thyself". Did you get poor marks because you weren't motivated, or situational factors or did really struggle with the subjects? This is important to consider as there is no point in pursuing a degree only not to do well. Otherwise you could end up investing years and money into something that you can't achieve. You have to do well in the sciences - physics, chemistry, biology and maths. There are of course many other important attributes such as communication skills, ability to identify patterns and ability to develop professionalism. But the science content in your undergrad degree is really the first hurdle.

    I could be wrong about Canada now but I recall most schools go off previous marks, and interview and sometimes some sort of aptitude test.

  3. #3

    Re: Help Needed.

    sports injuries. Only problem is I have no idea how to go about doing this. I am 21 years old and did not have the best marks in high school. I'm looking for any advice on courses to take or programs to go into to get me started on my path to becoming a physiotherapist. Any help is greatly appreciated.He is clear in what He asks and clear in what He offers. The choice is up to us.Isn't it incredible that NY Escort God leaves the choice up to us? Think about it. There are many things in life we can't choose. We can't, for NY Escorts example, choose the weather. We can't control the economy.We can't choose whether or not we are NY Asian Escorts born with a big nose or blue eyes or a lot hair. We can't even choose how people respond to us. But we NY Asian Escort can choose where we spend eternity.

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    Re: Help Needed.

    I've recently discovered a great publisher of sports therapy, physio, anatomy books which may help you. Lotus Publishing have a great website. They're a british publisher but you could probably get their the books through amazon. Ones I've found to be particularly good / helpful have been 'concise book of muscles', 'stability, sports and performance movement' and 'anatomy of stretching'.

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