very tough penalty. thank u for the warning!!
Copyright protection:
-The Federation of State Board of Physical Therapy (FSBPT), which develops and administers the NPTE, protects it via contract, trade secret and federal copyright laws.
-Sharing any copyright protected material which includes NPTE questions is a violation of those laws and the FSBPT policies. It is thus illegal to share any information about the NPTE questions.
-Prohibited from sitting for the NPTE.
-Report to the particular licensing jurisdiction.
-Damage chances of ever being licensed in any jurisdiction.
-Severe financial penalties.
Copyright violations:
-I have posted a few test questions on the website in the hopes that another member of the site could help me answer them. Unfortunately it contained copyright protected NPTE items. Though I did this unknowingly, I have violated the copyright law which protects the integrity of the NPTE.
Consequences of violating the law:
-FSBPT makes sure to maintain the security of the NPTE and the integrity of scores provided by imposing strict disciplinary action against any one who violates the copyright law. As a consequence to it, I am facing severe penalties. I have to
-Pay several thousand dollars penalty to FSBPT.
-Write a 1,000-2,000 word essay regarding the importance of ethics in the practice of physical therapy.
-Complete the ProBE-PT (Professional/Problem-Based Ethics) program on my own expense which cost thousands of dollars.
-Post a curative statement.
Caution to other examinees:
-Beware of any copyright protected material that you share or obtain from various sources. Sharing any information about any NPTE questions is the violation of copyright law and thus illegal.
-Violation of the FSBPT policies and laws results in severe financial penalties, loss of time and damages the career.
-It may also diminish your chances of getting license anywhere else.
Mital Patel
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very tough penalty. thank u for the warning!!