A few days ago I went to the hospital because when I woke up I wasn't able to bend my knee, so I went to the hospital to get X-rays and such and the doctor told me I've had osgood schlatters disease for a few years now and just to ice and rest it.

Basically they sent me home with a knee I can't even bend! Anyways it's been a few days now and I can sort of bend my leg a little further then before with not so much pain, but the problem is my leg feels so weak that I can't really do any stretching and am forced to guide my knee with my hands because it feel's weak. ( I need to guide it with my hands)

So my questions are;

  • Does it sound like I need to go to physiotherapy?
  • Are there any remedies or things I can do at home without spending money to help my problem out?
  • Will resting and icing for a few more days until the pain is completely gone, help my knee be flexible again?
  • ^or should I possible do some certain types of stretches to the best of my ability 3 times a day?

I'm very sorry if this is the wrong section, i'm new here~

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