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  1. #1
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    Osgood schlatters disease question

    A few days ago I went to the hospital because when I woke up I wasn't able to bend my knee, so I went to the hospital to get X-rays and such and the doctor told me I've had osgood schlatters disease for a few years now and just to ice and rest it.

    Basically they sent me home with a knee I can't even bend! Anyways it's been a few days now and I can sort of bend my leg a little further then before with not so much pain, but the problem is my leg feels so weak that I can't really do any stretching and am forced to guide my knee with my hands because it feel's weak. ( I need to guide it with my hands)

    So my questions are;

    • Does it sound like I need to go to physiotherapy?
    • Are there any remedies or things I can do at home without spending money to help my problem out?
    • Will resting and icing for a few more days until the pain is completely gone, help my knee be flexible again?
    • ^or should I possible do some certain types of stretches to the best of my ability 3 times a day?

    I'm very sorry if this is the wrong section, i'm new here~

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    Re: Osgood schlatters disease question


    Would really enjoy a post!

  3. #3

    Re: Osgood schlatters disease question

    Hi Nirvana,

    I can imagine your impatience... nobody answering you but it is holiday season in the northern hemisphere...you know

    Have you looked around this site and googled information about O.Slatter?

    What exactly did your doctor see on the Xray...is your tuberositas still intact?

    To answer your questions...
    I think it is worth your while to go to a good (sports)(paediatric) physiotherapist (physical therapist).
    You will be assessed and given advice including exercises you should and shouldn't do.
    Every person is different and everyone reacts differently to a problem (disorder) and that is why you need to see someone. Get hold of your Xray and take it with you.
    With a bit of luck you will only need one session.

    I wish you all the best.


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    Re: Osgood schlatters disease question

    Hi Nivarna,

    When I was on a placement the way we dealt with osgood-schlatters was a combination of stretch and strengthen which I'm sure have already been told about. But, we also used some laser therapy to help the healing process. I'm sure if you go to your physio they will offer you a range of treatments to help your condition.


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